[ 3 ] The Room That Started It All

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The Room That Started It All


My eyes widened as Leo pulled the yellow tape back from the door, pulling a key out of his pocket as he did so. He walked over and placed it in the door, a clicking sound echoing through the halls.

"How long has that room been here?" I asked. I had genuinely been wondering how in the world we were supposed to get in here without getting in trouble. That item had been last on my things to do while at the academy.

"The school was built around it, if that answers your question." Leo stated as he pulled the door open. A high pitched squeaking came harrowing through the door. I raised my hands up to cover my ears as Leo led us through. I walked in to see it was completely dark, not a single light. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to try and light something. Leo let the door shut behind us, leaving our only escape behind.

"Leo! How are we going to get out of here!" Marcus yelled as he stormed forward. I sighed and shut my phone light off as I waited for the two to battle it out in the dark.

"Owe!" Leo groaned as a slapping sound came from the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes and threw my head back, hitting it lightly on something behind me. I jumped forward and away for whatever it was. It was strange how soft yet hard that had felt against my head. I narrowed my eyes as they began to adjust to the small amounts of light that racked through the walls. I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest. This was getting stupid.

"Guys." I whined. Marcus slapped Leo once more as the two tried to keep their pathetic fight going. I shook my head before something ran along my arm. I held back a scream as I realized it was a hand. Marcus and Leo were over there...

"Hello?" I tried, my voice coming out more shaky than I wanted it to. I had to get out of this stupid room.

"Bree, we're over here." Leo scoffed. "Owe! Stop, doing that!" Leo hissed as another blow from Marcus came to him. I could hear Marcus sigh on the other side of the room. Please tell me he wasn't winded. He wouldn't last a minute in the games

"Bree, why are you calling us?" He called, instantly dismissing my comment. The movement of the hand continued up and down my arm, almost soothingly creepy. I closed my eyes as I held back another scream of help. There was a hot breathe that came over my shoulder suddenly, forcing my eyes to open.

"I haven't seen you for a while." He whispered against my neck as he let his chin rest on my shoulder. I held back a shiver as he let both hands clutch my upper arms, holding me right up against him. I wanted to break away, but at the same time, I wanted to stay in his hold. He turned his chin slightly before I felt his breathe against my neck. I shuttered and pulled away just as his lips brushed against my neck.

"Chase!" I said as I let my hands rest on my hips. He laughed and walked over, placing his hands above mine.

"Bree." He whispered, mocking my tone. I rolled my eyes and glanced over to see Leo and Marcus were now fighting quietly through words instead of pathetic slaps.

"What are we doing? You scared me half to death!" I whispered as I turned back to see Chase staring directly at me. I felt a small smile creep onto my face as he held my gaze.

"We, are... Friends?" He replied warily. I laughed and threw my head back at his unsure sounding voice. I hadn't meant that whatsoever.

"I meant, what are we doing in here? For training." I said, more clearly this time. He nodded, looking defeated as he pulled his hands away slowly. I let my hands fly out to catch his before I could give it a second thought.

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