[ 18 ] The Champion's Party

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The Champion's Party


"Now, you'll have to give a winning speech." Davenport continued as he read off of the clipboard that he had been carrying around for the last hour. I huffed out a breathe before pushing the stray curl behind my ear, completely ignoring his orders as I picked up a scarf off the desk at the side and began to play with it. I wanted to see Chase. He was all I could think about.

"What about Chase and the others?" I asked, wishing he was here by my side right now. I hadn't seen him in at least three hours while they were preparing the celebration for the first ever, Bionic Games After Party.

I was standing backstage, the party starting about twenty minutes ago. The room was small enough for just me to get ready in. I was wearing a short red dress with black sleeve... Type things. I had never been good at fashion. There was the desk that the makeup people had gotten me ready at on the left while the party was happening out at the right, a curtain standing in between. It was in the auditorium of all places.

Davenport shook his head. "They'll be there, too." He replied absentmindedly. I let my eyes look over to the other side of the room.

The second Chase and Marcus were taken out of the games, I had been pronounced the champion. The arena walls came down, the entire arena showing to be a simulation as I fell down to the actual ground underneath the arena. I had been left with only the room the five of us had cleared weeks before the games. That was when the people supervising the games from the rooftop Chase showed me and Davenport came down to get me and prepare me for now. I had been in hair and makeup until just a few minutes ago. That was when Davenport had entered himself into the situation once more. I bit into my lip before pulling up Chase and my messages.

You're dad's a real pain.

You're telling me. Sometimes that solitary confinement was a blessing.

Well that was morbid.

It was supposed to be a joke, Bree.

I know, I just can't hear your sarcastic tone or see that little smirk on your face.

Well you will soon enough. The party's in full swing now.

Good, I'll be in there any minute.

"So, do you know what you're going to say?" Davenport read off the clipboard. I sighed and shook my head, remembering the way out was only a few feet away. A simple red curtain stood on my right, hiding the stage that would be the only thing standing between Chase and I reuniting after the games. I had been also been asked to sign forms and call my parents with the good news of how I would be immediately put into the missions program over the summer earlier after the games. The past three hours have really been a blur.

I wouldn't be able to see Chase all that much during training, though. He would be leaving with Davenport, promoting the Bionic Academy's expansion. Even two thousand students wasn't enough for the one and only, Donald Davenport. Not when there was at least a million teenagers, about our age, eligible for the Bionic Academy experience.

"I think I'm just going to live in the moment for once." I breathed before dropping the scarf I had been playing with onto the desk and walking out onto the stage, instantly hearing claps and cheers my way. I could feel Davenport's eyes burning holes into my back as I walked out, waving to the crowd. I hadn't been in here since before the games. I smiled brightly as I caught Chase's eye, feeling my face grow slightly red as I noticed he was wearing a the perfect color shirt to match my dress. Davenport raced out onto the stage after me, grabbing the microphone off the stand and plastering a smile all his own onto his face.

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