Chapter 12

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~Itachi's POV~

Once arriving home, I went directly to my room, having tons of homework to do, so I got down to it immediately. Sasuke arrived a few hours later while I was in the kitchen, preparing some onigiri for us both since mom went to where dad was on a business trip.

"Nii-san, Eric, Naruto and Max will be coming over later." My little brother informed me and munched on one of the riceballs.

"Don't you have homework to do?"

"Nope." I sighed. "I will go out and get some snacks. You want something?" He hopped off the counter and took another onigiri with him on his way out when I told him I didn't need anything.

I went to my room and opened my notes to study. It was seven p.m already and I had so much to do, so I put on the earplugs and grabbed my pencil.

Since Sasuke's room was just across mine, it got really loud whenever he had friends over, even with the earplugs on. Today was one of those days. Sighing, I took out the earplugs and first scolded them all a little to keep it quiet then went to the living room with my books and phone. It was comparatively peaceful.

Two hours down and more than half of my work was done. All that remained was Science. The moment I opened my notes, I noticed the start of the lecture was missing since I was late to class because Anna....


I found it hard to concentrate once she was in my thoughts. Her pained face, her short breaths, her shaking hands and trembling legs. Her voice.

"Who died?"


I closed my books yet again and grabbed my head. She said 'everybody' died. Who were everybody? I tried remembering the five years I spent in America with her and also the people who were close to her at that time.

Emily was one person, her 'ladyfriend' as Anna always put it. There are her parents. Did they all...? I know about her parents from mom but Emily... did she die too?

There was some part of my information that needed confirmation so I brought out my laptop and googled cardiomyopathy. On more than three links, the foremost cause was "death of a loved one" or "loss of a lover."




~Anna's POV~

Aaah finally finished with homework-achoo!

"What the heck?" I was curious as to why would I be sneezing when there was no dust and all. "Oh wait, somebody might be thinking or talking about me. Yeah." Since I was famous and all.

I left my room and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, when the front door opened and Timothy arrived. I looked at the clock, he was later than usual.

"Why so late brother?"

"" I raised my eyebrow. Obviously he was lying. "Why is the house so quiet? Where are Eric and Max?"

"Now that you mention it..." The house really was quiet and sure enough when I went to check the rooms of the two brothers, they were empty. "Let me call Eric."

And so I did.

"Yo sis!" Eric greeted, more like yelled.

"Don't 'yo sis!' me! Where are you and Max?" I asked, er yelled, there was too much noise in the back.

"Next door!"

"Should have told me you dumb idiot!" I scolded. "Wait! Don't you have homework?"


"Well keep it down, Itachi has a lot so don't bother him." I said it out of pure politeness since it was rude to freeload somebody and to be noisy too.

"Ooooooh worrying about Itachi~ How niceeeeee! I wonder what happends between you two at school!" He sniggered.

"Stay there. Don't come back." I said simply and closed my phone.

"I assume they are next door?" Tim asked. I nodded and resumed making dinner. After both of us had eaten, I put the leftovers in the fridge with a note on the door for the two idiots. Thankfully my pain wasn't back so I hid the earlier happening and went to bed as soon as possible.

Sometimes I was a really light sleeper so the slightest of sounds woke me up. Today was one of those days and my eyes flew open when I heard footsteps outside my room door.

I looked at the clock and it read four a.m. No way am I gonna be able to sleep now. I got up from my bed and opened the door and took a few immediate steps back when I saw someone. However, I relaxed noticing it was only Max.

"Max, whats wrong? Why are you up so late?" I asked him, bending to his level and picking him up, walking to the kitchen to get some water.

"I couldn't sleep." He mumbled, clearly still half asleep. "And you were speaking in your sleep so I came to wake you."

"What was I saying?" I asked curiously, setting him on the counter and getting some warm milk for him and water for me.

"I don't know but it seemed bad...." He rubbed his eyes and yawned. I handed him his milk a few minutes later. "Sis are you ok?"

"Yeah." I pushed my hair back and sat down on one of the chairs, gulping down water. "Why'd you ask?"

"You looked stressed." Max answered, putting his glass aside. "And pale too."


"Its the lights playing tricks. I am fine." I got him off the counter and on the floor.

"If you say so." He said, smiling.

But that soon faded when my heart started aching and my legs gave out all of a sudden. This time, I knew it was bad news for real when everything started fading and my head hit the floor.



Readers samaaaaa! Please pray author sama can continue writing so fast! :D


Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^

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