Chapter 98

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~Anna's POV~

" Oi! Itachi! You dropped this!" I yelled going upstairs to Itachi's room with a piece of paper in my hand. He had dropped it when he quickly escaped from my playful anger.

I arrived in his room and closed the door behind me and sat beside him on his bed where he had his laptop on his lap. He looked at me.

" Dropped what?"

" This." I handed him the piece of paper and tried looking over his shoulder to the laptop screen but he hid it from me. " What are you hiding?"

" Nothing. I just don't want you to know this one password too."

" Is it 'Sasuke-likes-rowry'?" He raised his eyebrow and I smirked.

" How did you know?"

" Hehe. I know everything." I said giving a cool pose.

" I'm changing it."

" Changing it to 'Shisugly'?"

" How did you-"

" Maybe the next one is 'Grizztachi'." He gave me a look then started searching his laptop for any hidden cameras then his head snapped in my direction and he narrowed his eyes.

" You looked through that paper, didn't you?" I smiled sheepishly.

" Couldn't help myself." He sighed and picked the paper from beside him then tore it into pieces.

" Now you wouldn't know what password is next."

" Well, I'm just going to say that you're stupid enough to write the passwords on a page! I mean really?! Its the first time you've given the impression that Uchihas are stupid."

" It wasn't stupid. I didn't know it will fall into your hands."

" Should have considered all the possibilities, Uchiha."

" No good ever comes from fighting you so I'm going to shut up and admit my defeat."

" Yay!" He sighed again and then shut down the laptop. I took this chance to snuggle with him. " So, where are your parents again?"

" Out."

" And Sasuke?"

" With Naruto." The moment the words escaped his mouth I hid my face and starting laughing. " I can't believe you are laughing at that again."

" W-well its too funny!"

" There's a new mental hospital at fifty minutes drive, if you don't stop laughing, I'm afraid I'd have to take you there."

" Meanie!" I punched him lightly in the gut and sat up a little away from him with an annoyed face.

" You know I was only kidding right?"

" Humph!" I smirked at the end but that faded when I remembered something.

" You haven't been sleeping properly."

" Of course. I need my grizzly with me so I can sleep peacefully." I grinned.

" Well isn't somebody sappy today."

" You know what, you're free to spend all your day alone. Bye." I said and started to get up.

" Okaaaaaay then I guess I'd have to finish all the dark chocolate myself and its the best brand too. Hmm." My ears popped and I gave him a look.

" You're really mean and cruel."

" I just know how to keep you around."

" By bribing."

I Got Hots For My Rival~ Itachi Modern AU [NWA Winter'14 1st Place] REVISEDWhere stories live. Discover now