Chapter 83

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~Anna's POV~

" See its nothing big. Just a plain fever."

" Somehow, I don't believe you Eric. Show me the real prescription."

" It is the real one." My brother replied pouting.

" What did the doctor say?"

" He'd be better in a few-"

" Why do I feel like you're lying to me?" I don't know why I got so agitated but I did.

" Come on sis, why would I lie?"

" I don't know." He sighed.

" Max is gonna wake up soon. Ask him. He certainly doesn't like lying to you."

" Fine." As soon as I said that, Max emerged from his room coughing. " You shouldn't be walking!" I hurried to him and picked him up then laid him down on the couch. " You're burning!"

" Its just a plain fever." Max told me.

" See!" Eric said.

" Is it really a 'plain fever' Max? Cuz you're too hot right now."

" Its just a fever sis........" He started coughing at the end again.

" Stay here I'll bring some cold towels."

" ....k...." I flashed him a worried look then went on my way to the kitchen to set ice cold water and towels.

Setting the big bowl/tub of water beside the couch, I dumped the towel in it and started trying to cool Max down.

After about half an hour, his temperature went a little down so I made him eat something and gave him his medicines. Eric picked Max up and laid him down in his bed.

It was now some time before midnight and some constant fear and worry gnawed at me which didn't let me sleep but I felt relieved after talking to Itachi on the phone. He was worried too.

" He'll get better by tomorrow."

" I wish. Uncle just went and something bad had to happen-"

" You're thinking too much."

" Of course I am." I rolled my eyes at him on the phone.

" No, seriously-"

" I'm gonna stay here until he gets better."


" Why the pause?"


" Dude-"

" Its nothing."

" Fine." I mumbled. "I might skip tomorrow."

"I figured. Try to sleep now." Then I realised what time it was.

"Holy shit dude! Sorry! You go sleep, its so late!"

"You too."

"Yapp. Bye bae."

"Good night."


The next day Max was a lot better and by that I mean a lot! His fever was gone, his coughs were gone, the fatigue he felt yesterday was gone and mostly he was running around like he had never been healthier but something still felt off.

" Max, are you sure you're ok?" I asked for the tenth time probably that day.

" Sis, I'm fine!"

I Got Hots For My Rival~ Itachi Modern AU [NWA Winter'14 1st Place] REVISEDWhere stories live. Discover now