Chapter 65

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~Anna's POV~

I entered the class just before homeroom started. I left home early and arrived early, then killed some time in isolation away from friends, careful not to be seen with them. I would always arrive in class just before the teacher so as to avoid any sort of conversation with people. During classes, most of the time my eyes wanted to close and drift to sleep. Nightmares kept me awake and it was taking quite a toll on me. It was like one incident turned off my nightmares and the other turn them on. I haven't had bad dreams for a month and now they came worse than ever.I could hardly concentrate in class ever and as soon as the last bell would ring, I would leave, ignoring any and every calls.

I had found out that Jake was a senior. It gave me time to go unnoticed by him or his two friends. Everyday I had to gather courage enough to make through the whole day and when I couldn't, I skipped school. After it happened once or twice, I was inquired upon by Kakashi-sensei and I just told him I was sick or something..

I stayed away from people in general. I detached myself from every belonging I had from my friends. I stopped wearing Itachi's charm bracelet and hid the grizzly bear he won for me in depths of the store room. I hid the drawings and paintings, Sasori, Deidara and I made together. In all, I was going anti-social. Of course everybody tried talking to me and talking sense to me but I was far too afraid and conscious of what Jacob was capable of. I have lost enough people as it is so the grief that came from distancing myself was much welcome than the grief of losing them forever.

I immediately hid in one of the washroom stalls as Konan and Amalie entered the said place.

" I can't believe Anna is doing that. I mean, I understand why but look what's happening to the group without her." Konan said.

" Ya. Kisame is sulking, Hidan is using a clean language, there's no joy in Sasori's art, Deidara has been making duds, Kakuzu is wasting money. Out of all, I think, Itachi is suffering the most." Amalie replied to her.

My guilt rose to the very top when I heard her say that Itachi was suffering. I wanted their safety, not them sad or unhappy.

" Yeah. He's been looking paler than usual-"

" I saw him coughing the other day. It can't be colds. It was a violent cough."

I almost revealed my location upon hearing that Itachi was sick. I wanted to help him. Hold him. Soothe all his worries. Yet I couldn't if I wanted his safety.

" If only that bastard hadn't appeared. Everything would've been fine. Anna is already miserable enough and now this further adds to her worries. I don't know how she survives." Konan said with a sigh.

" I wish we could help her. Come on, recess is almost over." Amalie spoke and they both went out of the bathroom to who knows where.

I sighed and went to wash my face. I had been successful in hiding myself this long but it was not going to end any time soon.


" Sis! You're home!" Max exclaimed happily and I spotted the skateboard in his arms. Of course, he wanted lessons.

" Get lost." I replied rudely and went to my room. It tore me apart to be like this with my family. I remembered when I told him that the first time just weeks ago. Max had cried so much that day all day. My brothers scolded me about what I was doing for their safety that it was wrong and no matter whatever happened, it won't ever be my fault. But I had just began to forgive myself for Emily's, Mum's, Dad's and Marcus' deaths and now this happened. It just reawakened the guilt I had been slowly putting away for so many years.

I hardly slept. I hardly ever ate. I never talked to anybody unless I had the most immediate need of it and even then I didn't speak more than five words. I was so angry, frustrated and paranoid with myself that my actions went out of control. I needed an outlet for my tensions so I did what came first in my mind.

I dragged my heavy feet to the bathroom and punched all the mirrors in there leaving the shards on the floor, too lazy to clean up. I breathed a heavy sigh as I felt the weight of my worries lowering a little but not completely leaving.

What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to live?

At nights when I can't sleep, I would climb up to the roof and spend my time there, just looking at the moon and thinking about various things. I stopped going to the fields, not wanting to even chance a meeting with Itachi.

Everyday that went by, my heart ached and ached till I was sure that if I didn't hit something or break something, the weight would become too much and leave me in need of the people I had severed ties with.

I wished, every second of my existence, for all of this to end, not caring that it meant either my end or Jacob's.


Enjoy Reading~

Thank You~

Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^


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