Blake - Youtube

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If you dont know im actually a youtuber, I make covers of songs and actually today im gonna make one.

"Hey guys its Y/N and today im gonna do a cover of Y/F/S (your fav. Song)"

"Thank you guys for watching and I will see you in the next video"

*BEEP* I picked up my phone and got a text from my Best Friend...


I followed her text and check my twitter and got 4 new notification, with shock...NEW HOPE CLUB FOLLOWED ME AND 3 OF THE MEMBERS!...okay so my favourite band is New Hope Club they've inspired me to do youtube covers and my favourite is..Blake

As I was done taking a shower and ready for bed, I checked once again my twitter if im just dreaming and I wasnt...

As me and the boys are searching songs for a cover I came up across this girl and wow she is beautiful and amazing.

"George, Reece look at this girl, she's amazing how about we do the song that she covered" I said still thinking of that girl who ever she is.

"Sure" Reece said.

We just finished doing the cover and picked up my phone to search for this girl in twitter and....I found her, Y/N beautiful name.

I followed her and told the boys to follow her also and this day just gets better and better.

I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face still thinking that THE NEW HOPE CLUB followed me.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Morning mum" I said to my mum.

"Morning darling, you're happy today huh?" She said and I just cant stop smiling about it.

"You said it, hey mum im going to the lake later okay?" I said since im going to do a new cover of "Cake By The Ocean".

I got dressed up and get my guitar.

I arrived in the lake and found a perfect spot for the video.

"Hey guys its Y/N and today im gonna do a cover of Cake By The Ocean by DNCE"

I finished the video and get my things fixed and ready to go home

"You have a beautiful voice" someone said behind me and im pretty sure its a boy.

Me and the boys woke up 1 hour ago and decided to stroll down the lake, it was a good weather and there's only a few people here since it was only 8 am.

As we were walking I heared a voice and went to that direction and saw a beautiful girl there sitting with a camera in front of her and I think I know who this girl is.

"Reece, Geroge is that Y/N, the one we saw in youtube" I said still not sure.

"There's no way that's her" George said.

We listened to her singing Cake By The Ocean and it was amazing and when she was done I quickly went up to her and I was grabbed by my shirt.

"Blake what are you doing?!" Reece said.

"Im gonna talk to her if she is really the girl" I said defensively.

"And what if its not her?" George asked.

"Then i'll say excuse me" I said while Reece let go of my shirt.

She was already leaving and I caught up to her.

"You have a beautiful voice" I said smiling then she turned around...

Wow she is much more beautiful in person.

"Oh uh heh Thanks" she said shyly...she's cute.

"Wait no it cant be...are you the one and only Blake Richardson from the New Hope Club?" She asked and I was glad she knows me

"Yes im that guy" I said

"Im Y/N its so nice to finally meet you" she said and we shook our hands and YES I was right it is her

"Hey Blake its time to go..." Reece said behind walking towards me and Y/N

"Oh hello and who might you be?" George said smiling while looking at Y/N.

"Im Y/N its so nice to meet all of you" she said.

"We actually saw you in youtube and watched all of your covers they're amazing" Reece said and he checked the time.

"Sorry Y/N but we really have to go, we still have a recording session in an hour, its very nice meeting you and how about we all collab sometimes yeah?" Reece said and Y/N smiled.

"I would love that and yeah I actually need to go also soo i'll see you guys around" she said while turning back and walking away.

"Someones happy eh?" George said teasing me but I ignored it and ran to over Y/N.

"Y/N!" I shouted and she looked back to me.

"You forgot something" I said.

"What im pretty sure-" I cut her out.

"Give me your hand" I said and I held her hand and gave her a small paper.

"Byee" I said and winked at her and I ran to the boys.

"Nice one Blake" George said and we walked back home.

This is gotta be a I mean I met the New Hope Club gosh this week is just the best.

I walked home with a smile on my face still thinking about what happened a while ago in the lake
And I almost forgot that Blake gave me a paper.

I opened the door at my house my mother left for work and my dad is still in a business trip so I got the house to myself.

I ran to my room and opened the paper Blake gave me and im absolutely speechless.

He gave me his number *insert number here....See you around beautiful xoxo Blake* .

I fangirled a little but inside im screaming so I picked my phone and texted him.

Hey Blake,
Its Y/N it was nice meeting you all again.

I sent the text and a minute later i recieved a text back.

Hey Y/N,
Glad you texted but me and the boys are wondering if you want to collab for a cover next week?

I smiled at the text and accept the offer like come on its once in a lifetime you get to hang out with your favourite band.

I would love too =)

I texted back and smiled at whats about to happen next week...Me Y/N met Blake, Reece and George and got to collab with them...what a dream come true.

Hey guys I hope you like the first imagine and dont worry many more to come. =)

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