New Hope Club - Choosing (Version 3)

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Im just sitting in a cafe near my home just to clear out my mind after the party a few days ago.

Normally me and the boys would always hang out here and just have a laugh but now I just really wanna be alone.

Thinking about the party with the boys and those girls is hard.

You just never know...

I checked the time and decided to go home.

I opened the door and smiled to my mum and just headed to my room.

I sat on the bed and started thinking about the boys again.

A knock was then heared and my mum came in.

"Hey" she said and I smiled.

"Are you okay?  you seem so down lately" she asked and I sighed.

"Its about him at the party" I said and she nodded.

"Dont overthink that, I know they are just friends.. he likes you and only you okay.. and Y/N I think its time you tell him that" My mum said and left.

I thought about it and maybe my mum is right..

I should tell him how I feel.

Hours passed and I decided to go out of my room and saw my mum standing outside talking to George.

"Hey, whats going on here?" I asked.

"Oh nothing he was just looking for you" my mum said.

"I wanted to talk to you about... stuff" George said.

"Okay then" I said.

"Let's take a walk.. shall we?" George said smiling.

"We shall!" I said.

We getting near a lake and decided to stop there.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked and faced him.

"I still love you" George said and I frowned he already knew the sign that its not him.

I looked at him and hugged him and he hugged back.

We pull away from each other and I saw George's eyes started to water.

"Im sorry im being emotional but thank you" he said and wiped a tear.

"Im scared to tell him" I said to George.

"Who is it anyways?" He asked and I whispered his name to him and he smiled

"Dont be scared, im sure he'll be very happy and if you need me I promise im just here for you" George said.

"Thank you George" I said and he smiled.

After that we hanged out for awhile and just had fun but soon it all ended.

I decided to meet up with Reece so I texted him to meet me by the lake.

minutes passed and I walked to the lake and saw Reece standing there.

"hey" I said.

"Y/N" he said and hugged me.

"Im not really sure if thats the reason why you called me but all I wanna say is that.. everyday I still keep falling and falling for you.. Y/N I know im not the one and I want you to say that now so I can stop" He said holding my hand.

"Reece.. I-Im sorry.. " I said and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you" he said and kissed my forehead.

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