Reece - Back To You

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"No no Y/N please don't do this! we can work this out!" I cried.

"Reece please don't make this hard" She said as I held her hand.

"I don't understand why would you want to do this! everything is perfectly fine" I pleaded.

"Im sorry Reece I love you I really do but I-I-I.." She stutters and I hugged her.

"What? please tell me" I said.

"Its better this way... Im sorry" She said and ran away.

After 5 years together what was I doing wrong. I held the necklace I gave her on our first anniversary together thinking about our memories we made.

My thoughts were interupted by my phone ringing. George.

"George" I said.

"Hey we need you here in the studio now" He said and I sighed.

"Sure I'll be right there" and I ended the call.

I arrived at the studio and did some recording. We kept on repeating my parts since I wasnt really doing well but after an hour we finally finished.

We went back to the hotel and I immediatly just threw myself on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Blake asked.

"It's Y/N.. she- well ended things with me" I said and sat up.

"What?! why?" George exclaimed.

"I don't know.. she just said it was better this way" I looked down with pain in me.

I looked at my phone and checked her social media accounts but she blocked me. She just completely shut me out.

I wiped my tears away and fixed myself and I finally entered my house. I looked around and saw my parents sitting on the couch.

I took a deep breath and entered the living room pretending I was fine.

"Ah Y/N you're back" My dad said in a serious. I just nodded and sat just across them.

"Did you do it?" He asked. I closed my eyes and looked down trying my best to hold my tears.

"Y-yes" I said with pain, anger and sadness. My dad stood up and patted my back with a proud smile.

"You did the right thing" He said and went upstairs in his office.

Hearing my dad shut the door in his office I broke down in tears. I never wanted to do this! this was never my choice.

My mum stood up and sat beside me comforting me but I can't even look at her in the eyes.

"I know this is hard N/N but we're just doing what is best for you" She said but I stood up from her embrace and went upstairs. I stopped at my tracks and closed my eyes.

"If you're doing what is best for me you wouldnt do this to me" I said and went to my room and slammed the door locking it.

"You haven't eaten anything all day Reece, please just eat even a little" George said giving me a plate of food.

I give in and took some bites and headed to bed.

"What are we gonna do to you" George sighed.

"He needs some space we should leave fo a little while" Blake said and left with George.

I opened twitter seeing all the fan arts and edits that the fans made for me and Y/N. They still support us until now but little did they know their ship has sunk.

I came across my favourite picture of us together. We were outside in the snow playing around and somehow this picture happened and it was perfect.

Her perfect smile, her beautiful eyes, her beautiful H/C locks and I alwas love how her hand fits in mine.

"Thank you so much LA! we love you!!" I screamed to the crowd and the lights went out.

We went backstage with the crew cheering and clapping. As we finish up fixing our things we went back to the hotel.

"Its so good to be back in LA" Blake said happily.

"Hey isnt this is where Y/N live" Blake added.

"Oh yeah! Reece have you seen her already?" George asked but I just looked at him with confuse.

"Sorry" They both said in usion. I smirked at their silliness but they're right this is where Y/N lives and it has been months maybe I should call her.

I pulled out my phone and tried contacting her.

"Reece what are you-" George asked

"Im calling her" I cut him off and tried again.

"I dont think thats the best ide-" Blake said but finally she answered.

"Hello.. Y/N" I said nervously.

"Hello sorry this is not Y/N but im her cousin who is this?" I grew confused.

"Oh Im Reece Y/N's uhhmm.. friend is she here in LA right now?" I asked

"Didnt you know? she left LA for good six months ago, she went with her parents" Her cousin said. Panic filled me as she told me the news.

"Where is she? why are you using her number?" I asked.

"This is her old number she left it with me, she's now using a new number but im sorry her parents told me not to give out her number to her friends and Im not also allowed to give out her new location im sorry once again I hope you understand. Bye" Her cousin ended the call and I just sat there in shock.

She's gone.

I still love her yes I still do I never stopped loving her. All I wanted was to see her again.


"She left.." I stood up and went outside for some air.


I still couldnt belive that Y/N left and I don't even know where she is. We are still in LA we're staying for a month.

Right now me and the boys are just in the mall looking around.

"I need to go to the toilet real quick" Blake said.

"Me too" George said.

"I'll just wait out here" They nodded and left.

I looked around and saw a store that makes wedding gowns and suits and all those stuff. I approach the window and looked at the designs but the door opened and a beautiful girl walked out.

Her hair I can recognize them. No It cant be she left LA but what if..

She turned around in my direction and our eyes meet.



It's her.
There will be a part 2 dont worry :))

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