Blake - Broken Rule

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Blake and I have been best friends for years now and having him in my life is the best thing that happened.

But there is one problem.. is it possible to like your best friend?

I feel like im breaking a rule... I shouldnt be liking him. I can't. I'll just hurt myself if I did.

Blake is coming over at my house today. Since they got back from tour he never visited me yet

The doorbell rang and I knew exactly who it was. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey Y/N!" Blake said hugging me tightly.

"Oh uh h-hi!" I said stuttering. Come on Y/N control your feelings!

"You alright?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah uh just stressing about homework anyway how was tour" I lied.

"Hmm it was alright but it would have been better if you were with us" Blake said winking. Why is Blake such flirt sometimes! this is one of the reasons why I started falling for him and he can be a dork sometimes.

Blake and I went to the living room and watched movies well horror movies so I was all cuddled up with him which is making me blush.

"Aww is little Y/N scared?" Blake teased.

"Am not!!" I said and moved away a bit.

I remember when we were still kids we used to tease each other a lot.

The movie finished and Blake looked at me smiling.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing I just missed you" He said and he started tickling me.

"AHH HEEYY! NO STOP AHA!" I said stopping him.

"I missed these times when we were kids" He said.

It was night time already and it was raining pretty hard.

" am I gonna go home now" He chuckled and I smirked.

"You can stay in for the night" I smiled and he hugged me.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" He exclaimed and he went to the guest room.

The next morning came and I heard sounds outside my room so I quickly got dressed and went to check who it is.

It was Blake playing the piano.

I watched him and remembered when I realised that I like him.


I was still in High School and Blake is coming to pick me up today but when I get out the doors I saw him with some girls laughing.

I stood there like something bad happened. I dont know what this feeling is. What is happening to me.

"There she is! Y/N!" He said and he was running up to me.

"H-hey" was all that came out.

"You alright? you look pale" He said worried.

"I-im fine lets just go" I said not making any eye contact to him. This can't be happening.

The walk back to my house was silent and once we got there I didnt know tears was already running down my cheeks.

"Hey are you okay?" He looked at me worried.

"I-im f-fine!" I said and ran inside my house to my room.

What is happening to me! I can't!

I sighed and heared my phone. Blake messaged me.

Blake <3
You're not okay.. call me if you wanna talk :))

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