New Hope Club - Reece?!

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'I love you as a friend' thos words ringed in my head all the time.

I just thought she liked me back...

Its been 2 days since I told Y/N I like her and I just cant believe that I've been friendzone.

I didnt tell Blake and Reece about this, I just want to be careful on what blame said the other day that we three like the same girl.

But I doubt that.


Im with the boys today rehearsing some songs and next week we'll be going to the beach and just have a little break.

Since my confession I kind of avoided Y/N for a while, I just cant face her yet.

Hours passed and we got back to the hotel and a knock on the door was heared.

Reece got up and opened it and it was Y/N.

"Y/N!" We all said in at the same time.

"I need to talk to George" Y/N said looking at me.

She went outside the room and I followed her.

"Look George its been 2 days and I know you're avoiding me but I just want to say sorry if I ever hurt your feelings, I hope its not awkward between us" She said looking down.

"Oh uhmm no no dont say sorry okay its fine with me and its not awkward between us, you are still my best freind right?" I said.

"Of course we are!" She giggled and hugged me.

"Thank you George" She said and pulled away from the hug.

"Yeh no problem" I said and she walked back to her room.

Oh I wish I was hers...

I had a little chat George just minute ago and I just cant stop thinking about it part of me thinks I should be with him but part of me dont.

2 days since George said he likes me and I just cant stop thinking about it.

I video called my mum to tell her about this.

"Hey mum!" I waved at the screen and my brother and father appeared too.

"Hello darling! How are you?" My mum said.

"Im good.. I guess" I said.

"Are you okay Y/N" my older brother asked.

"Its just that George said he likes me but I dont really know if I like him back.." I said and they all clapped slowly at me like I just achieved something.

"Oh come on guys!" I whined.

"Ohh... we're just joking Y/N but dont rush too much okay just think about what is the best about your situation okay" my mum said.

"Okay mum, I love you" I said and closed my laptop.

Next week Me, the boys and some of the crew will go to the beach to have little break that means I will be with Geore through out the whole day.


Before we went to America we all got to go home with our families and my mom packed me some clothes that I didnt even know.

Today is the day that we will all go to the beach and here I am in my hotel room looking for a swimsuit and finally found one.

Im a shy girl and for me to wear this that my mom packed... I dont know..

But I dont have a choice...

We all arrived at the beach and the boys already took off their shirts and went to the water like little kids.

"Come on Y/N! The water's great!" Reece said loudly.

"I'll just go change" I shouted back at them.

"I guess" I said biting my lip headed to the changing room.

I look at myself on the mirror.. well I mean its not that bad and I dont even remember having this swimsuit.

Basically its a cute Black Macrame Halter Cropped Bikini Top and Bikini Bottoms.

I got out of the changing room and saw Reece, George and Blake staring at me.

"Y/N is taking forever to change" Blake said getting out of the water.

We got out of the water and waited for Y/N to come out and just had a little chat with the boys.

Minutes passed and I saw a beautiful girl with this Black Swimsuit and dang!

Its Y/N.

I stared at her and my actions caused Blake and George to look back.

We all got up and approached her.

"This is awkward but this is all that I have" she said blushing.

"Its okay, you look wonderful" I said amazed.

"You look beautiful Y/N" Blake said cheekily.

"You're amazing Y/N" George said.


I went out of the changing room and the boys stared at me and gave me compliments until Joe said its time to eat.

We all went to our area and ate.

We played, laughed and just had fun and night time came.

I was just walking around the beach and saw Reece sitting alone on a bench.

"Hey, why are you alone?" I said approaching him.

"Oh Y/N! Nothing im just thinking" He said smiling at me.

We had a little chat and talk about things.

"Its great talking to you Reece, I should probably go now" I said standing up and walking away.

"Wait!" Reece said making me look back.

"I have something to tell you" He said walking upto me.

I started to get nervous on what he was gonna say.

"I like you Y/N" He said looking at me.

"Oh Reece! You and your jokes!" I said laughing.

He grabbed my hand and and my smile fell.

"I like you Y/N and Im serious about it" He said and I was speechless.

"Reece there you are!" I look behind me and it was Blake and George.

I let go of Reece's hand on mine.

"Dont worry Y/N Reece might just be joking" Blake said.

"No im not! Y/N Im really serious I do like you" He said to me defending himself.

"Uhmm I'll just see you tomorrow guys" I said walking away.

Im speechless.. first it was George and now Reece!

I dont know this is confusing me.

I dont even know if he is joking or not.
Heyy guys!
Sorry for the late update but dont worry there will still be a continuation on this and also with George's.

Basically what im doing is like a series if you know what I mean but yeh.


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