Reece - Back To You (Part 2)

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"R-Reece" Her eyes widened and quickly her back and walked away but before she could go any further I ran after her and grabbed her wrist.

"Wait please!" I said and she turned around

"I dont get it.. you left LA" I said but did she lie?

"W-were you here all along?" I asked her.

"I didnt have a choice!" She excaimed and tears fell from her eyes.

"What are you talking about? of course you have! we can continue where we left off" I said.

"We can't Reece.. I-I have to go" She said about to walk away but I stopped her again.

"Y/N please!" I pleaded.

"There you are! we've been looking for you" I turned around seeing Blake Nd George. Y/N lets go of my grip and smiled.

"Y/N! Hi!" Blake said surprised and George just waved.

"It's been nice seeing you all again but I need to go" She smiled once more and left.

"I thought she left?" George asked confused.

"I thought so too" I said and we headed back to our hotel.

The next day came and I couldnt stop thinking about Y/N. Her house is not far from here what if she's there.

I got up and got dressed. I'll go to her house.

"Woah woah woah where are you going? we still have a recording session today" Blake asked still in bed.

"I wont be long" I said and went out the door.

"Wait where are you going?!" Blake asked just before I closed the door.

I walked out the hotel and called an uber to Y/N's house.

I arrived at her house and its still the same. Big and fancy, Y/N's family is really rich her dad is the CEO of a famous company while her mother is a famous Fashion Designer.

I rang the doorbell and the gaurd came out of the gate.

"Is Y/N around?" I asked.

"Reece right?" The guard asked and I nodded.

"Sorry but you're not allowed here" He said closing the gate.

"Wait wait please! I just want to talk to her" I pleaded.

"Reece?" I looked up and there she was.

"Its okay Will" She said to the gaurd and she let me in.

"Lets go for a walk" She said and I just followed her to the garden.

We sat on the grass and I started feel the tension in the air between us.

"I never left" She said. I knew it!

"But why did you-"

"Im engaged Reece" She cutted me.

"W-what! engaged! with who!" I exclaimed.

"His name is Eric a family friend of ours" She explained but I still dont get it.

"Were.. you seeing him.. while we're still together?" I asked nervously.

"God no! I would never do that to you... I was forced, I never wanted to break up with you I never wanted to be engaged to him.. I didnt have a choice.." She said tearing up.

"Yes you have! you can be with me" I said.

"Its not like that Reece.. My parents and and Eric's parents partnered up for their company and for them not to break the ties they decided for me to marry their son and if I didnt break up with you my dad threatens to ruin your career and I wouldnt want that" She said wiping a tear away I hugged her until she was calm.

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