Reece - Home

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"Do you have to go?" I asked Reece sitting on the bed while he gets ready to leave for their tour.

"Y/N we talked about this, right?" He said and sat on the bed beside me.

"Promise me you'll call everyday" I said with a sad look on my face.

"Even every hour I would" He said and kissed my forehead.

"But 2 months is so long!" I sighed.

"Dont worry love, I'll be back before you know it" He said and continued packing his things.

Once he is done packing we went out for a walk and hang out a little bit before he leaves.

"I'll miss you" I said looking up at Reece.

"I'll miss you more" He said smiling.

I would love to go with him on tour but I have big exams coming up and I have to study like crazy.

We went back to the house, all cuddled up in bed.

"Its not like home without you here, I wish you could stay" I said.

"I know love, I wish I could too" He said playing with my hair.

The next morning came Reece still asleep and I realised that its the day he will leave.

I woke up and get out of bed but two strong arms pulled me back.

"Stay" Reece said with a groggy voice.

"I wanna spend my few hours with you for awhile" He said and hugged me tight.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I said.

An hour later we got up and he gets ready to go.

Its just so hard without him here with me.

We went to the airport and met up with Blake and George.

We had a little chat for awhile and talk about things but its time for them to go.

I said goodbye to Blake and George and hugged them.

"Im gonna miss you!" I hugged Reece tightly and started to tear up.

"Im gonna miss you too" Reece said and he kissed my forehead.

"Hey hey shhh dont cry love, we're gonna be fine okay" He said and wiped a tear from the side of my face. (See what I did there  hehe Supermarket Flowers 😂)

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" He said and gave me one last kiss before he left.

I went back home feeling alone, this is gonna be a long 2 months.


2 weeks has gone by and it sure was the worst 2 weeks ever, I miss him so much

We would talk everyday, even tho he's not here with me when we talk it feels like he's here.

I was just on my laptop watching on youtube when Reece called.

"Hey love!" He shouted.

"Hi" I said a little sad.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Well im good I guess, anyways how's tour going?" I said.

"Oh its going great but it would be more great if you we're here with me" He said smiling.

I smiled and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Dont cry love, I hate it when I see you cry" He said worried.

"I just miss you so so much" I sobbed.

"I know love, I miss you too but I need to go now, I'll talk to you tomorrow okay" He said.

I nodded and just smiled

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I said and closed my laptop.

The house is so quiet since Reece left I just miss him so much.

And im just here studying.


I dont even know how many weeks haspassed and gosh it was the worst but here I am just studying in our bedroom to prepare for exams.

"Missed me?" A voice said, I turned around and I couldnt believe my eyes. Reece.

"Reece!" I whispered and ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much!" I said and started to tear up.

Tonight will be the last day of tour and it has been like torture these past two months but finally it ended.

I quickly booked a flight back home to Y/N and planned to surprise her

I quietly opened the door to our apartment and saw how quiet it was.

I went to our bedroom and opened the door quietly and there I saw Y/N studying.

I smiled and leaned on the door.

"Missed me?" She turn around and ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much!" She said and started to tear up.

"I missed you too love!" I smiled and kissed her.

We pulled away and laughed.

"Soo how are you?" I asked and started to fix my things.

"Good I guess, its been like torture without you here with me" She said and I smiled.

"Dont worry I wont leave you anymore" I said and hugged her.

I finished fixing my things and I decided just to relax for a bit.

"Netflix and Chill?" I asked her and she smiled and nodded.

I fixed the living room with some pillows and blankets.

I sat down and she sat down beside me while we watch a movie in netflix.

"I cant believe 2 months has passed already" she said.

"Well it has and now im back home here with you" I said and kissed her cheek.

"I guess I just lost track of what day it is" She giggled and rested her head on my shoulder.

The movie ended and I looked over at Y/N and saw her fast asleep.

I smiled to myself and picked her up bridal style and went to the bedroom

I set her down and changed my clothes I went to bed with her.

I just went on my phone for a bit to check on my social meadia's and felt Y/N's arm around me, I smiled to myself on how I got so lucky to have a wonderful girlfriend like her.

"Dont leave me ever again" She whispered and I kissed her forehead.

"Dont worry love I wont go anywhere" I said and set my phone down and went under the covers and hugged Y/N.

"Im home" I said and went into a deep sleep.

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