George - Never Been In Love (Part 1)

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"Come on Y/N! he's perfect for you!" My best friend exclaimed. Its been an hour of Y/BF/N convincing me to be with George Smith aka the well hearthrob of school.

"No and thats final.." I said but I mean he has the looks and he is kind and all but no.. i think..

"But dont you want somebody to never let you go? like to hold you when you're down! or to cuddle with! have matching stuff! yiee!" Y/BF/N said shaking me.

"Ew stop! since when did you become so corny?!" I said and she just looked at me.

"Im just scared okay! Ive never liked someone" I said and she sat down beside me.

"Thats the point! you never liked someone and you should try and George is the perfect match for you! you guys would look soooo good together!" She added and I just sigh.

"I dont know.. we are partners in history class" I said maybe I should give this a shot.

"EXACTLY!" She said.

The next day came and it was history first. I entered the room and sat beside George.

"Alright class I believe you all are now seated beside your partner" Our professor said. I'll admit I am a little scared working with George.

"Okay so for your task I want you all to take a picture of a certain thing that represents history and make an esay about it, deadline will be next week.. begin" The professor said and George moved his chair closer to me.

"Hey" George said and I smiled.

"Hey come on I dont bite" He said and I faced him.

"Sorry im not really good at talking to people" I said and he nodded.

The time goes and we decided to go to a museum tomorrow since its weekend and maybe we can find something there.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" He said and I nodded.

"Uhhm can I get your number you know so that I can call you if im there already" He said and I took his phone and put my number.

"See ya" I said and went to the next class and it was Math next.

"Soooo how did it go??" My best sat beside me.

"Uh we're going to a museum tomorrow" I said and she shrieked.

"Chill out! mygosh its not like its a date!" I said.

"Are you kidding me! of course its a date! just the two of you!! yiieeeeee!" She said.

"Its just for a project" I stated.

"Maybe for you it is but maybe its not for him" she said and winked.

"You are crazy" I said and she smirked.

The next day came and and I got ready to meet up with George. I just wore a simple shirt, jeans and sneakers. I put my hair up in a pony tail like all the time and got out.

I arrived at the museum and looked around for a bit. There are some beautiful paintings and some sculptures as well.

"Beautiful right?" Someone said and I turned around to see George.

"Oh.. yah.." I said and looked down.

"Im George" He said and I looked at him confused.

"I know you're shy so to make things more comfortable for you I figured to introduce myself properly to you so Im George and I would love to know you more" he said and we shook hands.

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