George - Never Been In Love (Part 2)

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We arrived at the mountains and wow it is cold. I looked for George and saw him with his friends.

"Okay where is our place? I wanna go sleep already" Y/BF/N asked and I hust sighed and got our keys. We walked around the big cabin and opened the door to our room.

"Looks comfy" I said and she smirked and just jumped on the bed.

"Well.. just do your thing now while I do mine yeah?" She said and headed off to dreamland.

I went out and roam around fo a little bit when someone called my name.

"Y/N!" I looked back and saw Jake a friend of George.

"Hi" I said and he smiled.

"Have you seen George? thought you were with him" He asked.

"Uhhm... I didnt.. I actually did not sit with him at the bus soo I dont know where he is" I said and he looked at me confused.

"Did something happen between you two?" He asked and I hesitated.

"uhh.. im kinda just avoiding him for a lil while.. its nothin big dont worry" I said and he smirked.

"Well then he might be waiting for you at the balcony later tonight" He said and wait something is going on here.

"How do you know that? did he just send you here to tell me that he is expecting me to go to the balcony later?" I asked.

"If you think it that way oh and here" he gave me an old looking envelope and winked at me then left. Wow.. just wow. I opened the envelope and it was a letter from George.

Is this too corny for you? coz I remembered how you love love letters so I figured I'd write you. I noticed that you've been avoiding me and I hope that you come to the balcony later tonight at 9 to clarify things.

All the love,

I read th letter and closed it. Should I go? I mean we're not even in a real relationship so why am I so affected? gosh Y/N!

I returned to my room and saw Y/BF/N so focused on her phone. I placed the letter on my side table and jumped on the bed.

"So going on a little date huh" My best friend asked I looked up and saw her already holding the letter.

"Oh come on! we're just gonna meet up to clarify things.. besides I dont even know if I should go" I said ant sat up.

"Are you crazy! of course you should!" She excalimed.

"Okay! why are you so affected anyways?" I said.

"Because he might be the one fo you! just imagine what if this pretend relationship becomes real?!" She said smiling widely.

"Uhh.. sure yeah no not gonna happen.. he will never like a girl like me" I said.

"Then why did he chose you to be his pretend girlfriend hmm?" She joked and I was just out of words.

"Ugh fine I'll go" I said.


It was 8:50 already and I couldnt hold myself together. Im really gonna meet with him. okay okay Y/N chill.

I got up from the bed and headed towards the balcony. I arrived there and peaked through the glass doors first and saw im standing looking at the view.

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