Reece - Mysterious

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Reece Bibby. Who is Reece Bibby you ask? Well Reece Bibby is the one and only hearthrob bad boy in our school.

Okay okay yes I have a crush on him. Im kind of mad at myself that I like him. He's popular like really popular and then there's me. Im just a shy girl in school who gets bullied but I dont really care.

I walked through the doors of the school with my hood on but suddenly felt a hard wall. I was pushed. No surpries.

"Well well well if it isnt the nerd" Zach said but I didnt look at him in the eye. He's one of Reece's friends.

"This is why you have no friends" He said and didnt know that tears already formed my eyes. That one really got me.

"Why are you even here? you dont belong here hold on actually you never did" He said loudly enough for the students to hear and they all laughed.

"SHUT UP!!" I spat. Oh no!

"Ooo! You got some attitude! and I dont like attitude" he said and looked at me dead in the eye and punched me in the stomach .

I fell on the ground feeling intense pain holding my stomach and his friends joined in and started kicking me. I felt tears streaming down my face. I never wanted to go in this school anyway! I never wanted to leave my old school.

but then the doors opened and everyone went silent I looked at the person and it was none other than Reece himself. I prepared myself to get beaten up again but nothing came.

"Leave her alone guys" he said blankly to his friends. What?

"What you're protecting her now!?" Zach said to Reece as he walked away and he stopped and chuckled and turned around.

"Its not worth it" Reece said to Zach's face and the bell rang and everyone went to their classes and I was left on the ground. I tried to sit up with all my strength left but I saw I wasn't the only one here.

Reece was still here. he tried getting close to me but I backed away.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he looked at me.

"I just want to see the bruises" he said and gently looked at the bruises. I didnt stop looking at him. Hmm maybe he isnt that bad after all. Wait stop it Y/N!

"I'll take you to the clinic" he said still no emotion.

"What? no im fine! I can take care of myself! please please dont take me!" I pleaded but he was strong and picked me up gently bridal style.

"hey! put me down! Aghh!" I tried to fight back but I was still in pain. Ughhhhhh!

We arrived at the school clinic and he set me down and waited for the school nurse.

"Well well well back again I see" Jenny the school nurse walked in with a smile. Yes I always go here thats why she knows me.

"and now with a boy" She winked at be and I rolled my eyes.

"This is Reece and he's my clasmate in some classes." I said.

"Well thank you for bringing her here" Jenny smiled and she helped me walked to the clinic bed if thats what you call it. I sat down and Reece was there at the door watching me.

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