New Hope Club - Confused

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I just arrived at my house and quickly went inside my room after Blake told me he has feelings for me.

Yes its true that I had a little crush on him but that was just before and now I just feel nothing about him just as a friend.

I sighed and I heared a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said and the door opened revealing my mum, dad and my brother.

I smiled and let them came in my room, my dad closed the door and they all sat on the bed beside me.

"What the rush going up here?" My mum asked.

"Mum, Dad, Ethan... I have something to tell you" I said nervously. (Ethan is your brother hihi)

"George, Reece and Blake likes me..." I said biting my lip and they slowed clap again just like I achieved something again.

"Mum! Dad! Ethan! Come on!" I whined.

They all stopped and smiled at me.

"Its just so confusing..." I sighed.

"Hah! I knew it that they all like you but im on team Blake!" Ethan said crossing his arms.

"Team George!" Mum said.

"Noo! Reece, Team Reece!" My dad said.

I all laughed at them.

"Dont worry Y/N, I know its hard but you cant just keep them waiting, at some point you have to choose between the three of them but dont rush just take your time and talk to all of them okay.." my mum said rubbing my back.

"Dont worry we'll just be here for you" my dad said and I smiled and did a family group hug.

"Thanks guys" I said smiling.

I know it was late at night to go visit    Y/N at her house but as I arrived there I saw Blake and Y/N talking.

I hid behind a post and listened to their conversation.

I heared every single word they were saying and... Blake has feelings for Y/N but luckily she didnt answer him yet.

After they were done talking Blake was just standing there and I left back at George's house, me and Blake will be sleeping at George's house today.

I ran back at George's house before Blake arrives.

I opened the door and looked for George and found him in the living room on his phone.

I walked in furiously which caused George to look at me.

"What's worng with you?" He said turning his phone off.

"Just wait for Blake... and you'll know" I said with a straight face.

Minutes passed and we heared the door opened and Blake walked in the living room.

It was very quiet and cause Blake to walk in confused.

"I have someting to tell you guys" Blake said sitting down the couch but for me I already know.

"Blake has feelings for Y/N" I stated before Balke does still with a straight face.

"What!" George said standing up.

"I dont know how Reece knew but Yes its true I have feelings for Y/N... im sorry I didnt tell you guys before" Blake said with a worried face.

"This is so unfair! Y/N will probably choose you now! And why didnt you tell me and Reece before about this!" George said mad.

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