Reece - Always

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My boyfriend Reece will be going on tour with The Vamps and I will be left here for uni.

"Why cant I come with you?" I asked him sadly he will be leaving tomorrow and yup im not ready for him to leave.

"Look I tried convincing Joe if you can come but I guess I didnt convinced him well and besides you still have uni and your exams are coming soon, You'll be fine Y/N okay" He said and he kissed my forehead.

"Reece, im scared" I said looking down.

"Of what?" He said sitting down on the bed next to me.

"You'll be going to different countries and meet well... other girls"

"Y/N you're my one and only okay... trust me I wont look at any other girls.. Just you okay" He said and continued packing.


I woke up Reece not beside me. No he cant have left yet!

"REECE! REECE!" I shouted through the house.

"WHAT HAPPENED! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He exclaimed and went up to me.

I was relieved that he was still here and I hugged him tightly.

"I thought you left already" I sobbed still hugging him.

"Shhh Well im not, im still here its okay I wont leave without me saying goodbye to you" He stroked my hair.


"Im gonna miss you so much!" I hugged Reece tightly.

"Im gonna miss you too, I promise we will talk everyday" He promised.

"Alright Reece it time to go" George approached us.

I gave Reece one last hug and gave George and Blake hugs too. "Bye Blake, Bye George, take care of Reece for me okay" I said to them.

"Dont worry Y/N we'll watch him besides he's a good boy" George said smiling up at Reece.

"Or is he?" Blake added winking at me I chuckled.

"HEY! IAM A GOOD BOY!" Reece shouted.

I went up at him and gave him one last kiss and hugged him tightly.

"I love you Reece"


As I said my goodbye's I had this weird feeling something will be wrong, I just dont want Reece to leave.

It has been 2 weeks since Reece left and I've been here at home studying like crazy.

For the past few days me and Reece would barely talk, when I would call him he will always say he was busy and more rehearsing to do but something just feels off.

I decided to call Blake and George.

"Hey Blake!" I waved at the screen.

"Hey Y/N! OI GEORGE COME HERE ITS Y/N" he shouted and I giggled.

"Y/N!" George said but no Reece.

"So where's Reece?" I asked worried.

"Oh umm he just umm went down to buy umm FOOD!" Blake said nervously. Hmm what is going on with him.

"Okay?" I said confused

"Look Y/N Reece is fine how about you surprise him we'll book you a flight here" George suggested.

"I would love that, just tell me the details on the flight" I said sadly.

"Of course, well we need to go now we'll see you soon and We miss you so much! Bye Y/N!" Blake said.

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