New Hope Club - Courting

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Its been a week since my deal with the boys and they are taking this really well.

They didnt contact me or anything at all but all those confessions just makes me confused.

I took my phone off the desk and check my twitter.

I looked at the boy's profile but saw nothing, not even a single tweet the past week.

As I was scrolling through twitter and liking photos I heared a loud knock on our front door outside.

I got off the bed and looked through my window and it was New Hope Club.

But I said to not bother me... well it has been a week so maybe its fine.

I fixed myself and went downstairs to meet them.

Ethan, my mother and father are already on the front door.

"Oh Y/N there you are" my mum said and I smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" I said walking out the door.

"I know the deal has been a week and we've made up as we promised but.." Blake said.

"We just want to ask permission from your parents, Ethan and you if..." George continued.

"We can court you" Reece finished.

Mum, dad and Ethan slowed clapped and I looked at them signaling them to stop.

"I-I uhmm" I stuttered not knowing what to answer.

"You know if I were you Y/N I would accept it.." My mum said from behind.

"We promise Y/N you will have the greatest time with us" Reece said.

"Just accept it" George said.

"Please" Blake pleaded.

I thought about if for a while on what could happen but why not give them a chance.

"Alright fine! I accept" I said smiling

My family slowed clapped again and the boys laughed.

"Thank you Y/N" Blake said and I smiled at them.


I woke up with the sound of my alarm and remembered I have work today.

The boys are going to be doing a photoshoot and of course they need me.

I got up, picked an outfit and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning Y/N!" My mum said.

"Morning!" I said.

"So how are you?" My mum asked.

"I dont know.. Nervous I guess?" I said.

"Dont worry dear you'll be okay" My mum said smiling and I started eating my breakfast.

I finished and brushes my teeth until...

"Y/N!!!!!"Ethan shouted and I jumped a bit and ran downstairs with my bag.

"WHAT!" I said.

I looked outside and saw George with a motorcycle. (Just pretend he can ride a motorcylce hihi)

I walked outside and approched him.

"For you" George said handing me flowers.

"Aww thank you!" I said smiling.

"Take this inside and give it to mum, she'll know what to do" I said to Ethan giving him the flowers.

"You're going already right?" George asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Then lets just go together beside we are going on the same location" George offered and my mum and Ethan went out.

"On the Motorcycle?" I asked.

"Yes!" George said.

I looked at my mum and Ethan behind me smiling.

"Are you sure.. I mean I can go there myself" I said to George.

"No I insist, the location is far" George insisted.

"Okay okay!" I sighed and accepted.

George smiled and handed me the other helmet.

"Picture!!" My mum said taking her phone out.

"Mum!" I said.

"No no its okay" George said standing beside me taking the picture.

"Come on closer! And George put your arm around her shoulder" my mum said excited.

He did what my mum said and we took the picture.

"Alright! Got it!" My mum said.

"Lets go" George said and I nodded.

I went closer the motorcyle a little nervous and I hopped on with George helping me.

George put on his helmet an went on the motorcycle in front of me.

"Hold on tight Y/N because you might fall... for me" George said smiling.

"Oh my gosh George! Stop!" I said laughing.

"Take care of her George! And Y/N hold on to him!" My mum said and I placed my hands on his shoulder.

He started the motorcycle and we drove off.

We arrived at the location and George got off first and he helped me got off the motorcycle.

I took off the helmet and gave it back to George.

"Thanks" I said to him and he smiled.

"Well... lets go in" George said and I nodded and we both went in.

Me and George split up as we went in and I was greeted by the crew.

"Good morning Y/N!" Reece said approaching me.

"Good morning!" I greeted back.

"Here this is for you oh and you look wonderful by the way" Reece said giving me coffee.

"Oh umm wow thank you!" I said and saw a little note.

'Good morning Y/N!
Dont lose that beautiful smile of yours! -Reece'

I smiled at the note and thanked him once again.

I went to the boy's dressing room and waite for them.

Minutes passed and they all arrived and I started to fix them up for their photoshoot.

I finished and they all went to find Dean.

Of course I went with them incase they need me.

Their photoshoot started and they would need me once in a while.

An hour passed and they finished, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder behind me and I turned around to see Blake.

"Hey" Blake said.

"Hi" I said smiling.

"I was wondering if you would want to get a little snack with me" Blake offered.

"Oh uhmm yeah sure!" I said and we went to a little coffee shop nearby.

We went in and ordered and talk for a bit.

"I hope you choose me" Blake said quietly but since they arent too man people here I heared what he said.

"I heared that Blake" I said smirking.

"You never know.. maybe someday you will regret that you didnt chose me" Blake said winking.

"Oh shut up Blake!" I said laughing at him.

Well what an interesting day it is today...

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