Blake - Falling Deeper (Part 2)

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"Y/N!" Blake snapped and I was out of my thoughts.

Come on Y/N! Stop imagining how Blake will kiss you.

"Uhh sorry" I said letting go of Blake's hand.

"Its fine" He said and my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Jake.

"Sorry I got to go.. bye" I smiled at blake and he nodded and looked at me weirdly.

"Hey Jake" I answered.

"Hey Y/N you ready for tomorrow's field trip "Jake said excitingly.

"Oh yeah! of course I am" I said. We chatted for a little and hang up.

I sat on my bed thinking about Blake I looked at my window to see if he is still awake and I saw him at his desk doing homework.

I starred at him until he looked at me and I quickly closed the curtains.

The next day came and we were getting ready to go for our field trip.

"So are you gonna sit next to Blake?" Y/F/N said.

"Yep!" I said.

"You're gonna replace me!?" She joked.

We went on the bus and I saw Blake already sitting but as I was about to sit next to him Emily the queen B sat next to him.

I sat beside Y/F/N looking annoyed.

"Dont worry how about when we arrive you can go sneak and have some alone time with him" She said and I nodded.

We arrived at the place and we set up the blankets down on the grass and the whole class ate.

Lily the class president was handing us bottled water and I gladly accepted.

"Blake.. I cant open it" Emily said to Blake so he helped her.

I glared at her but Y/F/N snapped me out of it.

"Blake Ms. Erika wants to talk to you" Lily said and Blake stood up. I tried to open the water bottle but cant seem to open it. I handed it to Y/F/N to open it but saw Blake snatched it and opened it for me.

I looked at him and Y/F/N and blushed a little.

the day went slowly and we played games, take pictures and just had fun but I really wanna spend time with Blake.

"Blake" I approached him.

"Hmm?" He said and I motioned him to bend down my height.

"Meet me in the bench beside the tree over there later" I whispered and he nodded.

I prepared myself and some time later I saw him there but then Emily came for him and I just stood a little far from them.

I saw them hugging and I felt tears falling down my cheeks at this time Blake and Emily saw me and they let go.

I looked at them hurt then Emily kissed Blake but a hand covered my eyes and I knew it was Jake.

Jake guided me to where the class was and comforted me.

I saw Y/N and I pulled away from Emily. I looked at Emily and she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. I looked at Y/N's eyes was covered by Jake as he looked at me angry.

"Blake I like you" Emily said.

"I like Y/N" I said and walked away from her and into the bus.

I wanted to sit next to Y/N but I just saw her crying on Y/F/N's shoulder comforting her.

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