New Hope Club - Surprise

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Its been 3 months and I surely really miss my family and actually they visited me here a month ago.

Im just at work with my boss assisting her in what she wants me to do but right now is break time.

"I really love that photo you shot!" I said to miss Claire.

"Really? I mean I like it, its good but I dont really love love love it" she said looking at the photo.

"Why? I mean like just look at that piece of artwork" I said.

"Do you know you know how I can tell if I love a photo that a took?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"Just by looking at it... you can tell if you love it or not, you get this kind of feeling that this is the one" she said and suddenly my thoughts were on the boys.

"So if you have a special someone dont hesitate on telling the person how you feel and dont let that chance pass away" She said.

"You know you can go back home besides your internship here is done but you can always come back if you want" She said and I smiled.

I went back home still on my thoughts and went straight to my bedroom as soon as I arrived.

I looked at a photo of the boys that I took a long time ago and it kept me thinking.

I stared at my luggage which was just standing beside my bed and thought what if I go home and surprise them.

A few hours later I finally decided to go back home, I told my boss and she lets me go then I started packing.


I arrived in the UK at noon and took an uber back home.

Once I arrived I took my phone out and called my mom.

"Hi mom!" I exclaimed.

"Oh hey Y/N! How are you there?" My mom asked.

"Great great!"

"Why is it so quiet there?" My brother asked giving me the hint that its on speaker mode.

"Im at home" I said giving a little clue.


"We miss you very much dear!" My dad said.

"Me too!" I said.

I slowly walked in the house and gently close the door and saw them in the living room.

"And its so much more better to talk in person that in the phone" I said revealing myself.

"oh look Y/N is here already" Ethan said and they all just nodded and turned to me again.

"WAIT SHE'S HERE!" Ethan said and they all hugged me.

"Hii!" I said hugging them back.

"Dont ever do that to us again!" My mom said tearing up.

"I just really wanted to surprise you guys" I said.

After that little reunion my family lets me rest but I couldnt get my mind off one boy from New Hope Club.

I sat on my bed thinking with a photo of the boys infront of me then I heared a knock.

"Come in!" I said and quickly hid the photo.

"Hey" My mum opened the door and sat on the bed with me.

"How are you?" My mum said.

"Fine" I said.

"Just fine?" She said and I nodded.

"Why did you really come back home? I mean not that I dont want you to be here, I really want you to stay here but why?" She said and I looked down.

"Well because my internship is done and I missed you guys so much" I said smiling.

"Thats it?" She said softly.

"Well... Miss Claire said by looking at a photo you will know if you love it or not and that if I have a special someone I should not hesitate on telling him how I feel and let that chance not pass away" I said getting the photo of the boys and my mum looked at me confused.

"Mum... I think I know who is it already" I said biting my lip.

"Who?!" My mum said excited.

"Well first please dont tell it to anyone and I mean anyone even dad and Ethan especially the boys... I want that I will be the one who will tell them." I said and she nodded.

I sighed and whispered who is it from the boys to my mum.

"Hah! Really! Him?" She said smiling and shocked.

"Yes" I said smiling and biting my lip.

"Oh! My Y/N! You're now a big girl" my mum said hugging me.

The next day came and It was Brad's birthday and I was invited so I decided why not surprise the boys.

I woke up and got dressed and headed to the place with my cousin.

We arrived and saw that the boys was not here yet.

Minutes later the boys arrived with... girls...

"Y/N!" They all said at the same time.

"Hi" I said shyly.

"Are they your..?" I asked.

"Oh no no! They're just our friends" Blake said and I nodded.

The party started and it was so much fun to be with The Vamps boys again also with New Hope Club but I try avoiding them... I dont really know why.

I went outside for some fresh air and saw the Boys with their friends talking to each other.

"Y/N! Hey" George said and I waved and blushed a little.

"How about a picture!"I suggested taking my camera out.

"Alright smile!" I said and took the photo.

Even tho it was kinda awkward seeing them with girls, I tried my best to keep cool.

I went inside not knowing what to do and I kept moving in circles with my cousin beside me.

"Hey Y/N are you okay?" She said and I nodded.

"Are you sure? Because when you saw the boys you seemed surprised and your pupils are dilated when you saw them.. until now" she said and I got shocked and my face turned red.

"If im not wrong.. you're probably attracted with one of them" she said and I laughed nervously.

"Well.. uhmm.. I guess I just have an eye of a photographer right? I mean im photographer sooo.." I said awkwardly.

Well.. what a day... Soon enough they will know, One of them will be very happy but im afraid to say that 2 of them wont be.

I just hope they wont fight with what my decision will be.

Helloo! Its me! Im baacckk!.
Yes! Im so so sorry for the long wait because school just started last week and its been sooo busy already.

So expect slow updates and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Im sorry once again!


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