George - Adopted

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This imagine includes harsh actions. Read at your own risk :))

This is also inspired by Shawn Mendes' new song In My Blood. I suggest you to listen to it its really good hehe
Everywhere I look! everywhere I go! hate will always go through me. Im so tired of all of this.

Being George Smith's sister well adopted is hard. He's in a band called New Hope Club. Yeah im proud of him but being his little sister is just so hard! people would tell me to die and that I was just adopted and that George dosent care about me.

Im 17 and I cut. I get bullied in school, I recieve hate every single day, death threats. It just came to the part that I cant take it anymore.

Im sitting in my bed while scrolling through my phone and of course I see them again.

"George does not deserve Y/N! she should just go back where she belongs! Trash!"

"Hey Y/N! I just wanted to say just die!"

I read all of them and tears streamed down my face and I couldnt control myself that I went to the bathroom and locked myself.

I looked at the mirror and saw myself. Red puffy eyes, circled under eyes, thin, ugly. Ugh!

I opened my drawer and took out my razor the sharp blades shining. I pointed the razor on my wrist and closed my eyes and went in.

I felt the pain the burning sensation on my wrist but I didnt care. I was used to it. I cut three new scars in my wrist.

"One for the hate"

"One for the bullies"

"One for this awful life"

I stopped and placed the razor down and broke down in tears.

I layed on the bathroom floor and felt nothing its like everything went in slow motion.

"Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No medicine is strong enough
Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood" I sang still crying and I stood up and sighed and fixed myself up.

I unlocked the door and looked around luckily no one was still here.

I walked back in my room and locked my door when suddenly my phone rang and it was George. Why does he want to video call me at this time.

"Ohh no no no!" I fixed myself and answered it.

"Hey Y/N!" George said.

"Hey" I said

"Woah you alright there?" he said worried.

"Yeah im fine. Why did you call?" I asked avoiding to look at him.

"I just wanted to check on you" He said.

"Well im fine okay" I said sarcastically.

"I love you" George said and I smiled.

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