Blake - Friends or More?

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"Y/N! Blake's here!" Mum said and I hurrily finish my hair.

Blake my best friend invited me to see a horror movie since he said he didnt have anyone to invite.

I walked down the stairs and saw Blake talking to my mum about something.

"Of course Blake, its okay for me you're making her really happy everyday" I looked at them confused of what their talking about.

"Oh, Hi Y/N! you ready?" Blake said looking slightly nervous.

"Hi and Of course im ready..also what are you two talking about a while ago?" I asked, Blake scratch the back of his neck and didnt said anything.

"Oh nothing too important darling, dont mind it" Mum said and just laughed a little.

"Okay umm, lets go?" I asked Blake and he nodded.

As I said goodbye to my mum, me and Blake went to his car (just imagine he can drive already okay 😂).

"Have fun guys!...But not too much fun!" I laughed and waved to my mum on last goodbye.

"Mum!! We're best friends okay!" I shouted getting in the car.

"So what horror movie are we gonna watch?" I said looking at Blake.

"The one you always wanted to watch" I smiled as Blake said the movie we're going to watch.

The long drive to the cinema was quiet.

"You okay Blake? You seem well quiet" I said looking at him.

"Yeah of course, im just thinking but dont worry about it" He said.

"Okay" I smiled at him and looking back out the window again.

To be honest I actually liked Blake ever since we met, he was my first ever crush but of course I cant just tell him that because it might be awkward between us, ignore me or worse LEAVE ME! no I cant.

"Alright Y/N we're here" Blake said and we went to the cinema.

Y/N is now 16 and im 17 and me and her have always been best friends but ever since I met her well I have always liked her.

When I pick up Y/N at her house a while ago I decided to talk to her mum and ask permission if I can maybe be more than friends with her and luckily her mum said that it was fine to her.

As the movie was going I couldnt stop thinking about her. I wasnt really focused on the movie.. only at Y/N.

"Blake, hey Blake, BLAKE!" I stopped at my thoughts and realised the movie ended.

"What! Happened!" I looked at Y/N.

"Well the movie is done" she chuckled

"Oh" I said standing up.

I cant take this anymore, I cant take that im hiding this feelings for her and I need to tell her soon... or now.

As we went to the car I figured out a place where I can confess my feelings to her although im not really prepared but who cares im going to do it anyways.

It was an hour drive from the cinema to there.

"Blake where are we exactly going" she asked confused.

"You will see, we're almost there" I said smiling to myself.

The place where we are going is at at a hill you could always see the stars there it was my favourite place to go and in that hill was where we both first met and it was just like yesterday when I first saw her.

(Blake was 7 here and you were 6, you guys are 1 year apart)

Me and my family went to my favourite place ever for a family outing, they would always say its just a hill with trees but what I think its beautiful because at night the stars would come out and shine.

"Mum I'll just go there for a bit okay" I shouted and ran to my favourite tree, I always climb that tree and watch the stars there.

But when I reached the part of the tree where I would sit and watch someone was already there and... its a girl.

"Hello there" I said sitting next to her.

"Hi" she said in a soft voice.

"What are you doing here" I asked tilting my head.

"To watch the stars" she said.

"its beautiful isnt it?" I said looking at the stars.

"Im Blake by the way" I said reaching out my hand.

"Nice to meet you Blake! Im Y/N" she said as we shook hands.

"Blake! Come on its time to go home" my mum called.

"Coming mum! Sorry Y/N I have to get going but I'll see you anytime soon right" I said.

"Yeah of course! I always go here anyways" she said smiling.

"Thats great! Alright I have to go bye Y/N" I said and went down the tree.

It was just like yesterday. It has been a long time since we both went there.

"Come on Y/N" I said pulling her up the hill.

"Do you remember this place?" I asked looking at her beautiful eyes.

"Of course how will I forget this place, this is where we first met" she said smiling.

"Wanna climb the tree?" I smirked.

"Race you there!" She laughed.

"FIRST!" she exclaimed.

"Okay okay!" I sigh.

"Are you okay Blake, you've been quiet" she said.

"Y/N do you like ever see me in your future?" I asked her and looked at the stars which shines so brightly.

"Well do you?" she said smiling up at me.

I just shrugged, I dont really know what to answer.

"Why do you ask?" Well she asked the question so I guess here goes nothing.

"Y/N can I say something?" I asked nervously.

"Of course" she said

"Ever since I first met you I have always thought you were different from the others, you were this little girl who is so energetic, funny and a little cute goofball! But when I was 11 I couldnt stop thinking about you and then I realised I like you and I have always do I was just so scared to admit it to you because I thought it might ruin our friendship but I think now is the right time to tell you, this is a promise ring and I do promise to never ever leave you or hurt you just like we would always say, Just you and me against everyone else, Y/N L/N can I finally call you mine?" I said and held out the promise ring I bought a year ago.

"Oh Blake! You have no idea how long I wanted you to say that and OF COURSE!! Just you and me against everyone else" she said I slipped the promise ring on her finger and kissed her.

She smiled as we pulled away and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Blake" she said.

"Yes?" I said.

"I do see you in my future" she said and I smiled.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Blake"

OMG! im so so so so so sorry guys that this chapter went so long I was so busy with my school clearance.

But now its my vacation I can continue this book!


I hope you enjoyed this imagine hehe!

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