Blake - Falling deeper

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A lot of pov change so dont be confused hihi

When I was 14 the most important thing in my life is dancing and well just dancing. Now that im 17 the most important thing to me is Blake.

Blake Richardson the most popular boy in my school, he is basically a hearthrob but he dosent talk much and he is also my neighbour.

6 am well its time to go to school. I grab my backpack and and everything I need and went outside to find Blake.

And there he is sitting on his bike on his phone.

"Good morning" I said and he turned around to look at me.

"Morning" he said with no emotion.

"You want to go to school together?" I asked happily.

"No" he said and went off with his bike.

I sighed and just went on my bike and tried to catch up with him.

"Blake wait for me" I said and tried harder since im just a short girl and he is a very tall guy...

We arrived at school and went to my locker to get my books and went to class.

I sat one seat away from Blake and as the class start I wasnt really paying attention.. you know im glancing at him a little here and there while I was sketching my imagination.

Blake giving me a piggyback ride.. I know im weird.


School ended and and Blake left first so I fixed all my things and looked for him

I went outside and saw him walking to his bike.

"Blake!" I said running for him.

He went on his bike and waited for me, I stopped beside him catching my breath.

"I have something to tell you" I said.

He waited for me to answer so I took a deep breath and whispered.

"I.. Like .. You" I said.

"I dont like you" He said blankly and went off with his bike. I sighed and went on my bike and rode back home just behind him.

I opened the door at my house and went to my room quickly went to the computer typing 'How to get a guy to like you'

I looked at some tips.

1. Bring him breakfast

Hmm.. I guess I can do that.

I went to sleep and woke up early in the morning to prepare a little breakfast for him.. uhm waffles yeah.. I put them in a little container and went outside to wait him to go out of his house.

I sat on steps of his house and waited for him but since its still like 5:30 I felt my eyes closing and fell asleep

I went out of my house to my bike but I saw Y/N sitting on the steps of my house.. sleeping?

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