George - Surprise

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I just want to say that there will be a song played in one part of this imagine.

I will tell you guys when to play it. The song is just up there ☝☝ and just play it when I will say it.

Its my Best Friends birthday tomorrow but I dont even know what to get Y/N and im panicing so much right now.

We live together but just seperate rooms.

We've been best friends since we were just a child but ever since I knew she was the one.

The one I love.

As I was looking through her room getting an idea on what to get her.. I saw her journal on her desk.

I read it and I saw what she wanted for her birthday and it gave me a great idea.

But I promised myself that on her birthday im gonna tell my feelings for her and I will.

I hope she'll say yes.

I went to the store for a little bit to get some food and tomorrow was actually my birthday, I hope George remembers.

But the truth is I like him very much, I just dont know when I can tell him.

Minutes passed I got back to our apartment and I entered his room and George was strumming some chords on his guitar.

"Oh Y/N your back" George placed his guitar back to where it was.

"I just got some food from the store.. soo what are you doing?" I asked him and sat on his bed.

"Just strumming some chords anyways I have to meet up with Blake and Reece later for... something is it okay if you stay here?" George asked but I kind of want him to be here with me but what can I do its his friends.

"Oh its okay" I said and George tackled me on the bed and hugged me tight.

"Thank you Y/N!!" He said.

"Alright alright!" I giggled.

An hour later he left and went to his friends.

And I have no idea what to do now...

And hour later I left to see Reece and Blake.

I need their help for Y/N's birthday tomorrow.

I took the train to go to Blake's house.

"Hey George" Reece said as we both saw each other in the train station.

We met up with Blake in his house.

"Sooo?" Blake said.

"Y/N's birthday is tomorrow and I need your help" I said to them and told them the plan.

Minutes passed and we discussed about the surprise.

"That is actually a good plan George" Reece agreed.


I woke up by the sound of my alarm and I just realised that... ITS MY BIRTHDAY!

I got up to look at George's room and saw he wasnt there.

Maybe he slept in Blake's house.

I went to the kitchen to the kitchen to get some breakfast then there was a knock on the door.

"Hi Y/N Happy Birthday!" Reece greeted me.

"Hi Reece! Thanks!" I let him in.

"So what brings you here?" I asked.

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