Blake - Broken Rule (Part 2)

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Its been a week since I told Blake my feelings and nothing really changed between us but he really teased me a lot about it.

Today me and Blake are at his house and Reece and George are also coming so we're just here waiting for them.

"Y/N" Blake said.

"Yes?" I answered.

"I just got curious but why do you like me and since when?" Blake asked.

"Oh.. well I liked you since I was in High School" I said not looking at him.

"You didnt answer my first question" He said now sitting beside me.

"I well-" I said but was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.

"It must be them" Blake said standing up amd opening the door revealing 2 boys.

"Hey guys!" Blake said letting the boys in and they sat on the other couch while I was just starring blankly.

"Hey! Y/N! Hello!" Reece snapped which caused me to look at them.

"What oh hi sorry" I said fixing myself.

"You alright?" George asked and I just nodded.

"Where's Blake?" I said looking for him and the two boys just smiled.

"What?" I asked confused and they both sat beside me.

"We know you have feelings for Blake" Reece said which caused me to blush.

"Wha- I what no I-I dont" I said stuttering and I sighed.

"Alright fine I do. Is it really that obvious?" I asked.

"Yup" The both said in unsion.

"The way you look at him, when you're with him you're always blushing.. so yah its obvious" Reece said.

Minutes later Blake came to the living room with some snacks for us to eat but I was not hungry so I just decided to read a book.

Hours has passed and the boys are now recording a new cover for their youtube channel. I wanted to go for a little walk so I told them that I was going out.

As I was walking I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ow" I said falling.

"Oh no! Im so sorry" The guy said and helped me up.

"Its okay" I said and looked at him. Wait!

"Alex?!" I said.

"No way! Y/N!" He said and hugged me.

Alex was a close friend if mine in High School but we had to part ways when college came.

"Wow! I have not seen you in a long time" He said and we walked.

"I know right! so how are things going on for you?" I asked.

"Pretty good actually" He said and we continued to talk.

"I should get going now Alex" I said.

"Oh sure I'll walk you there" He said and once we arrived at Blake's house we said our goodbyes and I went inside finding Blake standing there.

"Who was he?" Blake asked.

"Oh he was a close friend of mine back in high school" I explained and sat down the couch.

"He used to like me but I rejected him" I said and continued telling stories about us.

"Ohhhh!! Yieeee! Alex and Y/N!!" Reece and George teased.

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