Chapter 13

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Chanyeol knew what Baekhyun was saying about his pretendence, his dad, his mom and Sehun is true. Every word leaving Baekhyun's mouth were true and was sinking right in his heart making it squeeze inside.

All the pain he felt came back rushing as memories of his perfect family flashed through his mind where his dad was still beside him and his mom who was so much more happy back then. And then the memories of him and Sehun fooling around laughing at nothing in particular. Teasing and cracking jokes with his other friends who too were more happy, carefree and lively then now, where even Luhan was still with them making Sehun jealous over puppies and other stupid things too.

Chanyeol wanted to tell Baekhyun to stop but couldn't as he felt his throat go dry with a lump forming  inside it making it impossible to make even a single word leave his mouth and the tears forming in his eyes were just making it even harder as everything in front him become blurry but then again he too knew he needed it and it was better to break down in front of Baekhyun than the others.

He allowed his locked up tears to make its way through his eyes and down his cheeks.

Baekhyun saw the tears trailing down the others cheeks,"That's right let it all out ".

Baekhyun pulled the other to his chest when the other cracked up and started running his one hand to and fro in his hair while the other hand made its way up and down the giant's back comforting and telling him to cry as much as he want.

"You need to get it off your chest for yourself and the others too. You have to be strong for them, right?"

That's all it took for Chanyeol to break down completely, he cried hard, really hard and started wailing about how much he miss his father, how insecure he feels about his mother's health and how hard it is to see Sehun like a corpse.

"Why did dad had to go out that night?why did Luhan had to left Sehun? why does mom has to have health problems? why?why?" Chanyeol cried even more as he pressed his face deeper into Baekhyun's chest.

Baekhyun felt a pang in his heart as he realised that he too has hurt his parents a lot in the same way..Mom and dad must have felt the same with me.

Both of them stayed like that for more than an hour,"Only if time could rewind". Chanyeol mumbled under his breath as he stopped crying but loud enough for Baekhyun to hear.

"Every one wishes that Chanyeol but if it were to happen and we were given the chance to make everything alright. The present we have where there are people we met today and the future we would had have with them would be gone. The possibilities of a greater future would also be lost" Baekhyun mumbled back to Chanyeol who was still gripping onto him.

"Still, it wouldn't have hurt this much."

"Yeah, but who knows you might have had a future where you would be more happy."

"Chanyeol" Baekhyun tried to pull up Chanyeol's face since he had stopped crying almost an hour ago,"Don't, I don't like people looking at my crying face." Chanyeol muttered as he refused to look at Baekhyun.

"Even me?" Baekhyun asked as he placed his hands on both of Chanyeol's cheeks and tried to make the other look up again.

The other sat still for a while before looking up hesitantly.

"You know?" Baekhyun asked as he made the other look at him,"What?" Chanyeol tried not making eye contact with other who was smiling at him.

"You actually look cute " Baekhyun smiled as he stared at the red puffy eyes, red nose and the puffy lips of the other with flushed cheeks.

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