Chapter 22

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"Lu, let's start again."

Luhan stroked Sehun's left cheek with his thumb where the younger had still held his hand,"You will only get hurt."

"Without you it hurts even more." Sehun said as he pulled Luhan closer by the waist.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Luhan placed his other hand on the younger's chest as a sign to step back but Sehun only pressed him closer.

"Please, Lu."

"I can't knowingly hurt you."

"I will die without you."

"Sehun-ah, don't say such things." Luhan said voice stern.

"Lu, the moment you stepped out of my life I was waiting for you to come back."  Sehun said as he nuzzled the smaller's  button-nose with his, "And if your not coming back I don't see the point in living."

Luhan's grip on the younger's shirt tightened and mumbled ,"You know I don't like it when you say such things."

"You too know I can't live without you."

Luhan remained quiet.

Sehun's arms circled around the smaller's waist pulling him closer.

"Lu, I love you."

Luhan smiled sadly and replied in a quiet,"Hmm."

It hurt when Luhan didn't said it back but Sehun didn't mind as long as Luhan was in his arms and he got to say it again and again to Luhan until he says it back.

"We should go down too." Luhan said a little later.

Sehun didn't respond.

Luhan pulled his head back to look at the younger only to see Sehun looking at him longingly.

And Luhan couldn't feel more guilty.

Cupping Sehun's face Luhan tip-toed and placed back a kiss on his forehead.

" We can be back to being best friends."


Sehun swears Luhan would be the end of him. Just a simple kiss from him was enough for Sehun's heart to almost beat out of his chest. And he missed feeling like this alot, a whole damn lot.

"Right?" Luhan asked.

Looking at those damn adorable eyes how can he say no, so like always Sehun looked down before nodding.

Luhan smiled,"Lets go now."

Sehun reluctantly released his hand and stood still.


Sehun noticed Luhan reaching out for his hand but stopped and instead pulled on his shirt-sleeve ushering him to walk. It hurt again.

Luhan walked ahead with Sehun just behind who had his gaze fixed on the Bambi.

Before reaching for the door knob Luhan turned back to look at the younger and saw Sehun looking at him like he was in pain.

Raising his right hand Luhan palmed the under of Sehun's chin, chucking it.

"Smile, Sehun-ah." Luhan smiled encouraging him.

Sehun felt his insides melt and his heart swelled. This was the gesture that Luhan loved doing the most back then making Sehun love it even more. The simple affectionate-gesture would always get him to smile and feel so much warm in his heart.

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