Chapter 28

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''We are- '' Kai opened his mouth then closed it for the fourth time now, he felt so foreign to say the last word and it felt kind of awkward having to describe his relation with Kyungsoo to his own friends.

"Dating!!" Tao and Baekhyun blasted out, too irritated with the suspense Kai was creating,"Or not??"

"Oh, come on." Chanyeol let out a sarcastic snicker at the question.

And Kris rolled his eyes,"He don't have the guts."

Both of them were very confident that the time Kai will be courageous enough to confess, it will be on his death bed or maybe not even then.

"Well, yeah." Kai nodded and smirked at the two,"We are dating."


The rest shouted out on the confession and the bottoms went over to hug Kyungsoo while the tops patted Kai on the back, congratulating the both. They were now relieved at the fact that they won't have to witness much of 'act like boyfriends but we are only friends' scenes of the un-titled couples.

Kris and Chanyeol looked at each other not believing what they just heard. At the moment, the news that Kai confessed sounded much worse than the news of Worldwar 3 to the both who could only gape at each other and back again at Kai.

They both knew now that they had an unspoken-tight competition about their manhood on who is more manly enough to confessed and though the two teased Kai about it, they too weren't any better than him. Just the thought of saying the three words out of their mouth to their partners made them want to stitch up their lips. Both of them had the same things going on in their heads as Kai, they too are shitless scared of what the future might hold for them if they let themselves fall more deeply in love with their partners.

Will they have a happy ending? Will they have a sad ending? or Will they even have an ending?

"Okay, one down." Suho turned towards Chanyeol and Kris with a teasing smile,"And two more to go."

Both of them gave a what-hell-look to Suho making him laugh with the rest, while on hearing Suho's comment Tao and Baekhyun who were standing beside Kyungsoo and Luhan, started roaming their eyes around with tainted cheeks acting like they don't know what Suho meant. Unconsciously or consciously, both of them just had imaginations of being proposed by their sweethearts making them want to dig a hole and hide in it forever due to happiness and embarrassment of the thought.

Kyungsoo and Luhan looked at each other with evil smiles on noticing the two beside them.

"Don't worry. You won't have to wait for long, Chanyeol is a very straightforward guy." Luhan whispered into Baekhyun's ear,"And instead be ready with a big-fat YES."

Baekhyun gaped at Luhan not being able to react.

"If you know, what I mean."Luhan added with a smug smile.

At the same time, Kyungsoo cleared his throat gaining Tao's attention and said,"Kris too might rush things now."

"Kyungsoo!" Tao facepalmed, highly embarrassed just at the thought of it. Luhan and Kyungsoo looked at each other sharing a laugh.

"Whatever." Kris rolled his eyes at Suho,"Lets go now."

"Yeah, whatever."Sehun mimicked Kris knowing the other was trying to dodge the situation and he expertly ducked when a book came flying over his way.

"Now, seriously. Let's go." Xiumin said,"Or we will get late."

They walked down the hall way and at the intersection point, they started parting to go off to their classes. Sehun went closer towards Luhan for some more attention when he saw Luhan talking about something seriously with Baekhyun like he wasn't right there beside him, Sehun cleared his throat but was left dissappointed.

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