You,Ed and a closet

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I am one of those people who cringe at the happiness of others.

It’s become a huge problem over the last few years. I know, that’s really fucked up, isn’t it?  I don’t want to watch as other people get married and have children and have great fucking lives. I don’t want to see their successes. I want to sit in my house and wallow in my own self-pity, jealous that it isn’t happening for me.

That’s the kind of person I am; the jealous type. The girl who wants everything she doesn’t have. I’ve grown to accept that fact. As have my friends and family. And while most of the time it’s a flaw, sometimes, when I’m around the right people, it makes for an interesting situation.

            It’s the fact that I’m going to a wedding with Ed Sheeran. I’ll be honest, I feel like I don’t know him anymore. We met a few years ago, at a mutual friend’s party. He had just started off with his music, finding some success in the UK. He was an awkward ginger kid, with a belly. But I kind of adored him, and the way his voice sounded, and the stories he told me, and how good his heart was. We hooked up a few times, embarking on a casual sex escapade, and when that became boring as hell, we decided to just be friends. Our friendship dwindled when he pretty much became this huge music sensation and I went back to working my 9 to 5 job. All of that changed a couple of weeks ago when he called my entire family, trying to find my phone number so he could invite me to a wedding.

            The fact that my mouth actually formed the word “yes” is a shocker in itself.  The last memory I have of our friendship was a night when we settled for pizza at his house. It was the night before he left for his tour and I just remember eating pizza and making out like teenagers. That was almost 6 months ago.  

And here he is now, a fangirl’s wet dream wrapped up in a navy blue suit, and he’s with me. He’s sitting next to me in the car, looking extremely handsome. This is a different boy than who I left. This one has tattoos, and good jokes. He’s grown into himself.

            “I can’t believe they are getting married” I shake my head, laughing at how ridiculous it sounds, “I thought I’d be married before her”

            “Didn’t we all” he shrugs,

“we’re not going to know anyone, are we?” I ask him, looking around,

            “other than some of my really old friends, no” he shakes his head, reaching into his pocket pulling out a small bag, “but I brought something for us”

            “EDWARD CHRISTOPHER SHEERAN” I sarcastically gasp, “how dare you only bring a small bag of weed to a wedding of this proportion”

            “sorry” he raises his hands up in front of him.

            “fangirls everywhere will be crushed that you smoke weed” I shake my head, “I, on the other hand, am thrilled”

            “I knew you would be” he chuckles, “after all, if we’re going to get our money’s worth, we’re going to need a serious case of the munchies.”

            When we arrive at the wedding, we’re practically shoved into a church the size of a prison cell. We’re both packed against people we don’t know on either side of us as we watch the two of them join the cult of marriage. The bride looks absolutely stunning in her dress. Regardless, we make our way to the reception and find ourselves seated at a table full of more people we don’t know.

            “How bored are you?” Ed leans over to me, whispering, “because I’m about ready to gnaw off my limbs”

            “I’m right there with you” I nod, motioning towards the reception hall, “come on”

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