Chapter 4

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*a/n I know it's not the best story, but I'm trying to make it better. It doesn't have a lot of reads yet but I'll keep going I guess. You should share with your friends or something lol ;) okay enjoy*

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry," she asked. "Yes Andrea, what is it?" "Why- why do you care about me Harry," she begged. "What makes you think I wouldn't," I asked her. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out but a yawn. Her eyes slowly drooped and her eyelashes landed on her cheeks. Even with tear stains, bruises, and blood she was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen in my life. And I've been with more than my share of girls.

Yeah I know that makes me sound like a man whore, and I could probably be considered one. But not anymore. Now that I had Andrea back with me I didn't need those distractions. That's all they were, distractions. She yawned once more before her head fell to my chest.

I laid her down on her bed and went to lock her bedroom door. I was determined to stay here all night to protect her. As quietly as possible I walked into her bathroom and got the first-aid kit from under her sink.

I went to work on her face, cleaning the blood off and put antibiotic anywhere she needed it. She stirred a few times but didn't wake. I pulled my shirt off and laid it on the bed while I pulled her itchy-looking sweater over her head.

My eyes widened at her beautiful body but I continued with my job trying not to be a perv. I slipped her leggings off and my heart broke and swelled at the same time at the sight in front of me. She was absolutely gorgeous. But on top of that was hundreds of cuts covering her left arm and both of her thighs.

Trying not to let any tears slip out I pulled my shirt over her small body and pulled the covers over her. I couldn't sleep in my skinny jeans so I pulled them off, not thinking about how it would seem to her in the morning. I crawled in next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

No one would hurt her, not as long as I was breathing. Everything in that moment felt right. The way she unconsciously tangled her legs between mine and snuggled up against my chest. I ran my fingers through her long hair as I started drifting to sleep.

I looked down at her smiling. She looked so perfect and peaceful. Something shining caught my eye. It was a necklace around her neck. I reached to take it off of her to make it more comfortable but I froze when I saw it.


"Happy Birthday to you," I finished singing. Andrea was smiling like crazy. We were sat in our favorite spot, the lake. Everything was peaceful and lovely there. "Harry this was amazing. I'm so glad I spent today with you," she said with a blush. "Me too," I smiled. "But there's one more thing," I said pulling out a box from behind my back.

"Harry you didn't have to," she gushed. "Oh I know, but I wanted to." She opened to box slowly and her eyes lit up. Her small hands pulled the necklace from it's box. It was a gold locket in the shape of half a heart. She opened it and a tear fell out of her eye. "It's- it's perfect," she whispered. Inside was a picture of me smiling.

I slipped my hand inside my shirt and pulled out the matching silver locket. "It's got your picture in it,"" I said to her. She took both lockets in her hands and connected them. They fit perfectly together. "So you'll always remember me," I said. "I could never forget you Hazza," she hugged me. I nodded believing her.

"Never take it off okay," I asked her. "Never in a million years," she promised.

*end of flashback*

The necklace was warm against my hand. She never took it off. The thought made me smile like crazy. I wondered if she remember anything about it. She stirred and opened her eyes. Her eyes saw me holding the locket first and she freaked.

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