Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Harry's P.O.V

The weekend with Andrea went by far too quickly. Saturday we went to the park together and we watched about five movies on Sunday. Now it's time to go back to hell and try not to bash Dylan's face in.

Andrea's done showering and by the sound of it she's drying her hair. I love how long her brown hair is. It flows perfectly down her back. She never wears that pink stuff on her cheeks because her cheeks are always pink enough. Making her blush is my second favorite pass time, right after kissing her.

I've got my black long sleeve shirt on and since both of my pairs of black skinny jeans are dirty, I'm wearing dark blue ones. I'm going to have to live with it.

I pass the bathroom and notice the hair dryer is off. "You better not be fucking coloring your face Andrea," I hear her giggle but she won't listen to me. It comforts her to wear it and even though she looks gorgeous either way, I like her better without it.

Andrea walks out to me with a black high skirt and tucked in white long sleeve sweater. Her fuzzy white socks reach up over her knees and her black combat boots cover her feet. She's my perfect princess. Brown hair flows in a straight line down her back, almost reaching her bum. She smiles wide at me, only a bit of makeup around her eyes and she looks flawless.

"Hello beautiful," she blushes and throws her arms around my neck. I hold her waist and connect are lips. Minutes later my lungs are begging for air and I love down to her neck, taking breaths between each kiss.

When my lips reach her collar bone she moans quietly. "Harry we have to get to school," but neither of us move. Andrea's fingers lace into my curls, lightly tugging. After kissing her lips again for seemingly endless minutes I reluctantly pull away.

"I fucking hate school," I mumble. I go back for her lips once again but she covers them with her hand. "You can kiss me again once we get to school." Dammit.

The drive to school is filled with Andrea teasingly putting lip balm on her lips in the visor mirror. "Does it look okay darling," she smiles at me and bites her bottom lip gently. I curse under my breath and focus on pulling into the school's parking lot.

"Harry my love you didn't answer my question," she leans up, kissing just below my ear. She's learned well what sends my senses into a frenzy. Her hand rubs softly on my still bandaged thigh and I suck in a breath once her hand reaches closer to my crotch.

"It looks great," my voice cracks as I pull into a parking spot, causing Andrea to laugh uncontrollably. "Okay we're at school." I quickly pull Andrea onto my lap and attach our lips. The kiss is full of hunger and passion, neither of us pulling away and we're gasping for air.

Andrea smiles at me, leaving an innocent kiss on my lips before jumping out the door. I sigh looking at the bulge in my jeans. The things this girl does to me. I grab my bag, holding it over my excited member and walk behind Andrea up to the school. The way her hips sway when she walks, the high socks and shorter skirt are not helping me out here. I am so fucked.

"Andrea babe where you been," Dylan walks over to her when we get inside the building. She glares at him and grabs my hand. I can tell she's pissed by her killer grip on my hand and the look of pure hatred in her eyes.

Dylan grabs her arm, forcefully pulling her towards him but I don't let her hand release from mine. I pull her back to me, careful not to injure her, and take her down the hall with me.

"Baby are you okay? That must've hurt your arm. Fuck, I'm so sorry I should have-" I'm cut off by her lips meeting mine quickly. I'm shocked but waste no time in kissing her back. She pulls back moments later and kisses my nose, causing me to blush. "It hurt yes but I had you there and you protected me. I love you Harry." I kiss her forehead and return the words I know she loves to hear.

The school day passes with no sign of Dylan. He's fucking lucky. I take Andrea home quickly, ready to escape that hell hole.

"Do you want to come to the gym with me?" Honestly I'm still pissed about this morning's encounter with Dylan. She nods excited and I tell her to get changed, I'll get her worked out, no not in that way, get your mind out of the gutter Styles.

She comes out in shorter black leggings that show off her perfect ass and a crop top that exposes her perfect stomach. I need to control myself. Her feet are adorned in black sneakers and her arms are still covered in bandages. My heart breaks every time I see them but I know she's still my strong princess. I explain to her that my clothes are at the gym and tell her that I box there.

"Harry you could get hurt," her look of concern makes my heart race. "I've been training ever since your accident, I'm their top fighter and I'm sure as he'll not going to get hurt I promise you." Yes I should've told her earlier but now that I'm getting paid for this there's a better reasoning behind it than anger management.

The drive to the huge gym is short and I jump out to help Andrea out of the car while she puts her hair up into a high ponytail. My trainer, Andrea, and I are the only ones here at the moment so she follows me into the locker room so she isn't alone.

Feeling the anger of seeing Dylan again I throw my shirt and pants beside my locker aggressively. I change into a cut out white tank and black basket ball shorts. Andrea picks up my clothes, smiling at me with understanding. "You should wear the neon ones," she looks at the two pairs of sneakers in my locker and I nod. I need her to be happy as much as possible. Anything for my girl.

"I've got to go train for a while love and then we'll work out together. Stay here and don't talk to strangers," she smiles up at me from her seated position. "Knock 'em dead," she kisses my hand and my lips before I leave to go train.

"Styles what the hell happened to your arm?" Shit, I forgot about the bandages. "Nothing to worry about," I shrug while wrapping my hands in the tape.

My trainer, Derek is an older man. He's been my trainer since the beginning. When I moved back here, he followed, saying he couldn't lose his best boxer. We've grown close through the years and I trust the old man. He knows how to get under my skin to make me box to my full potential and I appreciate it more than you'd think.

"Well let's get to work." I begin punching the heavy bag in front of me. I picture Dylan's face and I instantly punch the bag harder. Who the fuck does he think he is touching my girl like that? She was mine the whole time I was gone as well and he still fucking laid his disgusting fingers on her.

"Come on Styles. How are you supposed to protect Andrea with that shit," Derek's yells echo in my ears as my punches sway the bag swiftly.

His yells continue, as do my strong punches. I feel the anger course through my veins as I punch it all away. Sweat trails down my whole body, I've been punching the fuck out of this thing for only a minute. Derek's screaming and the music from the gym's speakers fill my ears but I could've sworn there was something else. I pause for a second but continue. "She'll die with you this weak!"

I grunt in frustration and anger, my final punch releasing a scream from my lips and the bag from its hook. The punching bag falls a few feet in front of me and I pant heavily.

"Harry," a scream fills my ears and before my mind clicks with what I'm doing, my feet are running towards the locker room.

**a/n sorry that this is so short! I'm not one hundred percent sure when the next chapter will be posted, but soon I hope. I also really hope you enjoyed!

Much love xx


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