Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Andrea's P.O.V

This is boring already and Harry just left. I'm not sure how long he'll be training but I'm stuck here until he's done. Honestly, I'm excited about working out with Harry. I've always thought about working out but I never really put my mind to it.

I never knew that Harry boxed. I'm assuming he does it so he can feel stronger when he doesn't even need to. He protects me so well but I can't help but feel that there was a time when he didn't. I push that thought to the back of my mind every time. Harry will always protect me, he loves me. I'll try to protect him from the things that hurt him as well. It's hard being as small as I am. I know I could barely break up a fight or keep someone from physically hurting my boyfriend. I know that I would risk getting myself hurt to save him from getting hurt.

Seeing Dylan this morning set us both off. I could feel the anger radiating off of Harry all day and I know he could see it in me. I don't understand why he of all people things he can just take me whenever he wants. I thought I made it clear that I will never be his. I'll always be Harry's, even if something bad happens.

The past week with Harry in the hospital was more interesting than anything. Seeing Harry in that much pain though, from walking to eating, hurt me as well. My chest hurt a lot most of the time, but I tried to hide it from Harry as much as possible. And I did everything that I possibly could to make him feel better. Singing to him was a little embarrassing at first but he loved it so I was glad to continue it all day. I know he's feeling a bit batter now but I can't help but be concerned that he's rushing back into being completely healthy. I know his thighs still pain him when he walks and he doesn't eat as much as he used to. I've tried to tell him to take things slow but he insists on being perfectly healthy right now.

Sitting here with only my thoughts sucks. I can't hear Harry's trainer yelling or any punching so I know they haven't even started yet. I've always been one to overthink every thought in my head. I over-analyze everything and constantly make myself sad.

As soon as the first yell is emitted outside of the locker room, something hard collides with the back of my head. I stumble onto the floor, black dots scattering across my vision. I have no time to question anything before a foot hits my downed body. Sadly, the punch wasn't enough to knock me out.

"Harry," I scream. I have no idea who the person above me is. My eyes screw shut from the pain in my head as my legs are continuously kicked, sure to leave bruises.

My throat continues to release Harry's name in screams, and grunts of pain with every blow. I can't help but think about the last time I needed Harry and he wasn't there. But I know this time it isn't for sexual pleasure but to pleasure the jerk above me's mind. I refuse to blame Harry this time though. I can't go another three days without him, trapped in my thoughts. And I am not going back to the hospital after this.

The person, I'm assuming Dylan, moves to straddle me and I can feel his fists pounding against my face. Failing to block most of them due to my panic, I feel my lip split open. It's almost as if I can't feel my heartbeat in every place he's hit or kicked me. I'm no longer used to this pain, it's been weeks since this happened to me.

"Harry," I scream once I hear a loud thud outside of the locker room. The fists come down on my body even faster than before and I know Harry will be here to protect me soon.

"You sick fuck," I hear Harry scream at the man on top of me. A laugh is emitted before the body on top of me is ripped off. Another man helps me sit up and I grown in pain. Silhouettes of fighting men dance in front of my eyes. The curls of the man on top show me that my Harry is protecting me. I can't find the heart to stop him, knowing how angered he is.

"Harry," the man behind me shouts sternly. "You'll kill him." I hear a chuckle that I know belongs to harry. "Good," he grunts, continuing his punches. I whimper at the sound of a bone cracking, praying it wasn't Harry's.

"She needs you son," the man who must be his trainer shouts in the same commanding voice. My vision is clearing, but is still blurred by tears and the occasional black dot.

My weak and bruised body is picked up gently in the arms I've always loved. "Thanks Derek. We'll come by when she's healed," Harry sounds disappointed, and if I know him, he's disappointed in himself. I don't want him to feel that way, this in no way is his fault, or mine. This was all Dylan and he has to believe me. I'm sat in Harry's car and he begins to drive off silently.

"Harry listen to me. In no way is this your fault. You protected me and you need to know that. I love you and this was entirely his fault. I'm so happy you protected me Harry. I'm not blaming you for this and I don't want you to either." I grab his hand lightly, knowing his knuckles must be bruised.

"Thank you love. I'm sorry this happened to you again, and you can't tell me that it isn't true that I should've been there. But you're going to be okay and I'm glad. I love you too much for you to not be okay," I giggle lightly. Movement hurts my body but I'm glad to be here with Harry.

The drive home is easy and short, and before I know it I'm with Harry in the bathroom. "Harry I have to clean your knuckles." He sighs but gives in. I clean the blood off of his bruised hands, and I know most of it isn't his. By the looks of him he didn't suffer a single hit and I'm glad.

Harry cleans the blood from my busted lip and makes me lie down in bed. I steal a shirt of his from the closet and slip into it while he makes us some chocolate milk. Of course my body is sore, there's no way it wouldn't be after that. But after all of this I'm happy to be with my Harry.

**a/n this is really short and bad I'm sorry! But I hope either way that you enjoyed! I'll try to update as soon as possible.

Much love xx


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