Chapter 1

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I woke up screaming and covered in tears. "Dammit Dylan," I whispered trying to catch my breath. After my normal breathing returned I looked at the clock. At least I woke up only four minutes before my alarm went off.

I got up and turned my alarm on silent before going into the bathroom. Each step was filled with agony, but I was okay with that. I was drained of emotion and energy like I usually was. Normally I didn't wear makeup because my skin was tan anyways so I left my face alone. My entire body was void of motivation to look good today.

After washing my face I woke up a little. I slipped on some black leggings and a long turquoise sweater that's length passed by my hands and bum. Silently I went back into the bathroom and turned on my Ipod. Ed Sheeran blasted through my bathroom as I straightened my long hair. When I was all done I looked into the mirror.

I sighed as I looked at my emotionless eyes. Tears crept up as I looked at my body. Ray always said my body was perfect, the balance between skinny and curvy "amazed" her, but I hated my body. I've got the possibility to be skinnier and I'm determined to be.

My parent's were still asleep when I walked downstairs and put on my black boots. I skipped breakfast again. After grabbing my phone, school bag, and purse I walked out the door to begin my painful journey to school.

The air was chilly but I knew better. School was a fire trap. Take one step in with the outfit I'm in and you could pass out right then and there. Unless you've been doing it for your whole time there like I have. I walked to my school as slow as possible. I dreaded being there.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. No one on my road walked to school but me. I shrugged it off, not really caring about my safety and continued my walk. Out of nowhere I was shoved by a string hand.

I lost my footing and landed on the ground. When my thighs hit the ground I couldn't help the cry of pain that came from my mouth. Tears immediately came up and I was glad that I hadn't worn eyeliner. I know, I sound like a freaking baby for crying but I couldn't help it. That hurt like hell!

With tears already on my cheeks I looked up. A boy with short blonde hair and a small build looked evilly down at me. "Watch it whore," he screamed. "You're the one who pushed me over," I covered my mouth as soon as the words came out, immediately regretting what came out. "Excuse me," he grabbed my shirt a pulled me up against a tree. "What was that," he whispered angrily. "I'm sorry," I whimpered.

"You will be trust me," he said. He dragged me the opposite way of the school. "Let go off me," I screamed. "Son you let go of that girl before I call the police," a man said stepping out of his front door. The boy holding me pushed me back onto the ground.

"Next time," he whispered harshly. He walked away quickly, never looking back. I got up and brushed myself off. "Thank you," I told the man quietly. "No problem, be careful." With that he shut the door and I took off to school. If I don't hurry I'm going to be late.

The bell signalling that we had five minutes to get to class filled my senses as I walked in the front door. I rushed to my first class since I already had all my stuff with me. Just because I didn't like school that didn't mean that I wanted to be late and have bad grades.

I sat down in my seat located in the back corner. All the seats but the one next to me were soon filled. It's classes like these were I wish I had Ray in all of my classes instead of just my last one. Before the class started my phone vibrated against my leg. I had put it in my shoe since I didn't have pockets. Before the class could start I checked it really fast.

From Ray(:

I wont be at school today. Sick. Luv ya, be strong<3

I cringed at the thought of her not being here with me. I'd have to face the day without her here. The text alone made me want to leave. I put my phone back quickly and laid my head on the desk. Homeroom was boring and useless anyway. It grew unnaturally hot in the classroom, hotter than usual. I whispered a curse and looked around the room. No one was in the seats near me, nor did anybody seem to notice me.

Silently, I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows. My arms were easily hidable under the desk but for now I put my cut filled arm on the table and laid my head on the other. The desk was cold under my cuts. "I heard she tried to go back to Dylan last night," a whisper made it's way up to me. Tears came up at the thought of yet another rumor and soon my face was covered in them.

"Class we have a new student arriving shortly," my teacher Mr. Rembly said. I kept my face down. I could care less about a new person. He would join the others against me anyway. "Ahh here he is," she said. "Would you please introduce yourself," she asked the person that was probably standing at the door.

"I'm Harry," a deep voice filled my senses. "Okay Harry, well there are seats near the back. Sit down and pay attention and we won't have a problem." I heard footsteps come in my direction but I didn't care. He would get the hint.

When I heard the seat next to me move I silenced my sniffles. Mrs. Rembly continued on with the lesson that everyone would forget in five minutes. I sat up in my chair and wiped my face when the tears stopped. Absentmindedly, I ran a finger up and down my arm. It was filled with cuts and scars. Some of them were deep enough to almost need stitches, but who cares? Nobody, that's who cares.

I felt a finger tap my shoulder and my world froze. I'd completely forgotten about the person sitting next to me. Instinctively I hid my arm under the desk and took a shaky breath. I looked over at the boy and was in awe at the sight in front of me.

The boy's arms with filled with tattoos. He had two peircings beneath his bottom lip and piercing green eyes. His hair was curly and swept back from his forehead. All his clothes were dark and he greatly contrasted from the people in this school. But that didn't mean a thing. He would hate me like the rest of them.

I sniffled and sat up straighter in my chair. "What," I asked quietly. He stuck out his hand towards me. I looked down and examined it. What was he doing? On top of all the black were stripes of white. Scars.

I looked back up to his face for a second before grabbing his right hand with my left slowly. "I'm Harry, and that's what all my friends call me so there's no annoying nick name," he said quietly.

My laugh came out quietly. "I'm Andrea, I don't have enough friends to have a nickname." "Neither do I, I just like to say that," he smiled. His teeth where white and perfect.

"Well if you want friends you should stay away from me," I pulled my grasp from his. "Why is that," he asked. "Just trust me," I choked out.

I hated my crying, but if I'm not cutting it's the only thing to keep me sane. Tears threatened to break the barrier between my eyes and my cheeks. I looked away from him.

"Well they all seem like major asses to me so that won't be a problem," he whispered right next to my ear.

Class ended soon and I sat in my seat until everyone had left. Almost everyone. Harry was sat beside me still as I got up to leave. Before I could walk out the door I felt a pair of lips on my cheek and I saw Harry walk past me.

He kissed me? What the hell? He smiled at me as he walked away, and I almost smiled back. Almost. I refused to get attached. I knew how it went when I got attached. Anyone I got attached to was ripped away from me. We walked in opposite direction and soon enough I was in my second class.

Class went by quickly. Everyone was whispering about the new rumor. Soon lunch time came. Oh joy.

I sat down with my food alone. I'd never touch this food, even if I dying of hunger, which I almost am. It's been about four days since the last time I've eaten and the pain in my stomach is normal after these years.

Suddenly a tray slams down next me. I look up to see none other than an amused looking Dylan. "Get away from me," I whispered. Everything but strength was evident in my voice. His amusement turned to anger and he grabbed my wrist. He dragged me out of the lunch room and to the hallway, but nobody noticed.

He shoved me up against the lockers holding my left wrist and my right hip. My wrist stung under his grip. "Don't you ever tell me what to do," he whispered angrily. "I can make you life a living hell." I laughed at this. "My life is already a living hell Dylan, you can't do anything to me," I said. "No, not to you. But I can do a lot of things to other people," he said miniacly. "Why would you," I asked. "I want you again," he whispered into my ear.

I froze. There was no way in hell this was happening.

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