Andrea's P.O.V
"Welcome home Xander," I whisper down to my newborn baby boy. Xander William Styles was born on July twenty-fifth at 4:32 in the morning. It was a long and painful night but having my baby boy in my arms is rewarding enough. Harry sends Anne to the guest room to get some well deserved sleep. She had arrived last month when I started getting closer to my due date. Thankfully she watched Darcy when Harry and I went to the hospital yesterday evening. "You need some rest too love," his raspy voice nearly lulls me to sleep right here on the couch. I smile up at him as he sits down next to me.
"We sure do make pretty damn good babies," I giggle at his joke, seeing that it is in fact true. We do make pretty damn good babies. Years ago I could've never imagined my life this way, so full of happiness and love. Harry is my rock and I'd be nowhere without him. I love him so much it's indescribable.
"Harry I really do love you." I whisper, running my fingers through Xander's chocolate curls. He opens his deep brown eyes and smiles up at us. "I love you Andrea. More than you could ever dream." His lips find mine in a gentle kiss, sending butterflies throughout my entire body.
Three Years Later
"Darcy be careful honey," Harry's shouts echo through the flat causing Xander and I to laugh. Today is Christmas and Darcy's forth birthday is in two days. She's currently rampaging through her closet, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear when the family comes over. I suppose I should mention, Louis and Eleanor have since gotten married, as well as Niall and Ray and Zayn and Perrie. Liam is engaged to a sweet girl named Danielle and Gemma has met a nice guy who has been very kind to her. Along with Anne, they will all be visiting on her birthday. Harry's job at the publishing company has really taken off, and I'm about to wrap up college and a manuscript for my first novel.
"Mummy, why is daddy scared?" I giggle a bit as we continue watching The Little Drummer Boy. "He isn't scared, Darcy is just making a big mess that daddy will have to clean up." Xander's laugh echoes through the room, causing Harry to pout. "Don't laugh Xander, you know how messy she can make her room," he whines, only increasing Xander's giggles. "Merry Christmas to you too Xander."
I laugh, causing Harry to break out into a smile. "Dang it I love you." I blush uncontrollably and return the words to him, leaving him with a smile and a giggly Xander as I go to help my daughter pick out an outfit.
Twelve Years Later
"Happy birthday to you," the shaky chorus ends and Xander blows out his candles. Celebrating his fifteenth birthday makes me feel so old, I mean, I am thirty-four now. But the thing I appreciate the most is the fact that Harry still loves me as much as he did on our wedding day, and that our family has continued to be so close. Our now sixteen year old daughter Darcy hugs her little brother tightly, causing them both to laugh. Seeing my children so happy is all I could ever ask for.
"Congratulations Mrs. Styles. We did it. Raised not one beautiful child, but two." Harry smiles down at me. I wrap my arms around his neck and attach my lips to his. It's been so many years and I'm still not used to the rush I get when his lips move with mine.
"I think it's official. We're old people now Hazza." "Hey now, we're still fucking sexy and don't you ever forget it." His smile could cure any disease, his eyes brighten any darkness. And I know that for a fact. "I love you to the moon and back." He wraps me in his arms and sighs. "I love you far past the moon my beautiful girl."
I do know for a fact that Harry can brighten even the worst darkness. Because he was able to brighten me. I was seemingly forever lost, but Harry Styles found me.
**a/n the end. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and more specificity, this entire book.
I'd love to hear your opinions on this so please comment and vote. It's been an amazing journey and I'm very glad that I took it. I was hesitant at first, but this has to of been one of my best decisions I've ever made. The support I'v gotten is simply beautiful, just like all of you. I hope you found the lives of Andrea and Harry interesting. Of course, it's sad to see it end but it was time. Now I'll be able to focus on my other books. Be sure to check out Nightmares of Insanity, This Means War, and Adoration.

Lost and Found || Punk H.S
FanficAndrea Rose Andrea lost her memory four years ago, and has yet to get answers. What caused her to lose her memory? What was life like before? Was she ever happy? Harry Styles He lost everything four years ago and has finally returned to where he o...