Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Harry's P.O.V

"Haz," my eyes dart to her. "You left me again," my heart stops beating. "I thought you loved me," her eyes never met mine.

My eyes frantically search hers, trying to get her to meet my gaze.

"No no no Andrea what are you talking about? Of course I love you," I grab her hands in mine. She shakes her head slowly.

Part of me just wants to scream at her how much I love her, but she won't respond to screaming I know that.

"I need you to tell me what happened now Andrea or I can't do anything to fix this," she states blankly at the wall while I plead with her. I sigh and kiss her forehead, causing her to flinch and me to back away. I force my tears back and start to the door.

"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere," I find my mum looking confused at me in the living room. "I have no idea what happened," I sigh once again and sit with my face in my hands on the couch.

"She'll open up sometime as long as you're there to comfort her Haz," she rubs circles on my back but I don't feel any better. I nod and force myself back into the room with my broken love.


It's been three days since the accident. That's what I refer to it as since Andrea still hasn't told me what happened. She hasn't spoken since she doubted my love for her.

All she's done is nod, shake her head, and occasionally drink a glass of water. I've sat by her side everyday, telling her how much I love her every second I get. I woke up this morning and something had obviously changed behind her eyes.

It was like the shock of what happened had left her body completely. She ate breakfast and showered, but she still hasn't spoken. I walk back into our room when I hear her sigh.

"Andrea baby, it's me. I know you can hear me," I sit next to her against the headboard. We've slept in the same bed as always, but she refuses to let me touch her.

She nods slowly, silently telling me to continue. "And I need you to believe me when I say how much I love you. I need you to tell me what happened because it's killing me seeing you like this. You flinch when I touch you and you don't tell me you love me. I need to know who took the Andrea I know away from me and left her broken pieces with me to fix. I can't glue you back together without knowing how you broke love," I reach for her hand and she tenses for a second but actually lets me hold her hand.

She clears her throat. "Dylan," her voice is hoarse but still as beautiful as ever. It brings tears to my eyes, but I force them back for her. I recognise the feeling of anger as I hear that sick shit's name.

"He- he f-found me in- in the alley, he had uh a knife," her words trip over themselves but I hear everything. What the hell did that little bitch do to my love?

"He said, one l-last time. I-I thought he was going to... going to k-kill me," she whispers and my heart stops at the thought. Her hands squeezes mine as she stares straight at the wall.

"Once he was- was f-finished he uh s-said some things about you- you l-leaving me once so you'll do it again." Tears escaped her eyes slowly but I made no move to wipe them away so I wouldn't scare her.

"And I-I screamed for you H-Harry, I screamed your name s-so many times and-and you didn't come," she fully breaks down and I pull her into my arms.

I rock us back and forth, whispering how much I love her into her ear. After maybe half an hour she calms down her crying. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there Andrea, I'll make him pay for the sick things he did to you," I promise her but she shakes her head.

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