Chapter 9

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*a/n I feel like this fanfic really sucks but it's my first so forgive me, I'm experimenting here. I just love writing so here I am. I may start a new one after I wrap this one up. That may not be for a while though.(: *

Harry's P.O.V

Damn my stomach hurts. Who knew someone could stab so hard. But what hurt worse was seeing Andrea like that. She looked so broken and sad and she's here at the hospital looking like a patient, yet she still looked perfect. Her lips looked so soft, and I knew they were. They tasted like peppermint, ugh. I never thought it was possible to be interested in every little movement someone made. Yet with Andrea, I want to know every second of her life, every thought that goes on in her head, exactly how she feels every second of every day. She's so huggable and adorable, from the pout on her lips when she's thinking, to when her eyes squeeze shut and her nose scrunches up from laughter. I want her to be mine, and I know she is, but I want that to be forever.

I'm glad she likes the boys and I'm excited for them to get in here so I can see how they act around each other.

I haven't told Andrea that I'll be out of here tonight. I told mom, Gemma, and all the staff not to tell her because I want to surprise her at home. I've got to keep all my excitement hidden well though.

The boys came in smiling at me, giving me kind greetings. Louis came in behind Andrea. I sat up and patted the end of my bed. She sat at the end, wrapped in her soft blanket. Niall sat on my right, Liam and Zayn sat on my left, while Louis stood behind Andrea still. I grabbed Andrea's hands in mine and played with her little fingers, feeling happier than ever.

Louis' P.O.V

I looked at my best friend sitting in his hospital bed. He should be sleeping or crying but he looks extremely happy. He grabbed Andrea's hands and he absentmindedly played with her fingers while Niall complained about the food in the hospital. The look in his eyes was pure love. Harry got that look anytime he was around Andrea, or even just talking about her. He never shut up about her after we met.

I knew these two had to last. They would both be broken beyond repair if it didn't. But Harry had to be careful with her and I think he knew that. His past was a sketchy thing and he should be wary of it. I knew I would do anything to keep that past away from him though. He was my best mate, like a little brother. My first instinct since we met was to protect this kid and all he loves and that's just what I plan on doing.

We talked about random things while Harry never took his eyes off of Andrea. I was tempted to make a stupid comment about taking a picture because it would last longer but I thought I would just let him have this. It was soon time for lunch by the sound Niall's stomach was making. "We can pick you up lunch baby," Andrea offered Harry. He shook his head smiling. "I don't feel like eating much of anything right now, you guys go." Andrea looked unsure but stood up with us.

"Andrea sweetie," Harry said as she was almost out the door in front of me. She walked over to Harry and grabbed his hand. "Get some rest okay? And Louis, can you help her unpack her stuff into my room. I made room for all of her stuff and it may still be in my car." I nodded and gave him a 'man hug'. "Thanks bro. Just no peeking at her unmentionables or I'll have to kill you," he smirked at me. I laughed along while Andrea blushed. "I wouldn't dream of it. Besides, I can look at Eleanor's anytime I want," I smirked back before laughing. "Bye Louis, bye love," he called to us walking out the door. We waved and left the hospital.

I took Andrea out of the hospital looking around while walking towards the car garage. A boy walked towards us with his eyes set determined on the hospital. I didn't think much of him until he bumped Andrea's shoulder, sending her flying to the ground. She cried out and I was about to go pummel the guy before she grabbed my leg.

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