Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Andrea's P.O.V

I'm so excited. Harry and I are currently sat in his 'favorite tattoo parlor in the entire universe and beyond' and waiting for him to be called back. He says I can't go back with him because it's a surprise but I'm not sure of what to do until then.

"You could have brought one of your books I guess," Harry laughs at my dilemma beside me. Hes got on a white tank that shows his tattoos perfectly and of course his black skinny jeans.

"Where are you even gonna put it," I ask. It was a legitimate question, his arms were already covered. "On my ribs," he shrugs like it's nothing when in all honesty for him it probably is nothing.

"You could get one while you wait if you wanted," he smiles at me. I really like that idea but what would I get? Was that even allowed?

"Would they allow that," I ask timidly. "Of course love. I can't believe you're actually considering this," he sounds excited now.

"I've always wanted one, but what would I get," I ask. "It's got to mean something to you." I nod and it's silent for the rest of the time while I think it over.

By the time the man calls Harry over I've decided what I would get. Harry whispers something in the man's ear and he gestures me over as well.

The man points to a woman in the corner apparently waiting for me. "This is Ashley, tell her what you want and it'll happen, we'll be over in the back room and we'll come out once I'm done with his tattoos. Enjoy." I smile nervously as Harry walks over to me.

He kisses my lips passionately but keeps it innocent. "I love you," he whispers against my lips and I return the words against his before he leaves.

I walk over to Ashley, who has long blonde hair with purple tips and a kind smile. "Hi you must be Andrea, I'm Ashley as you already know, and that was my sister's boyfriend Ben. So what can I do for you?"

I smile and tell her exactly what I want. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as I thought it would actually. Once I'm finished I get up to look in the mirror at the permanent paper airplane on my collar bone with the words 'don't let me go' underneath it and I smile wider than before. "It's fantastic Ashley thank you so much," I hug her and head back out to the waiting room where Harry comes out a few minutes later with his shirt off.

"Babe it's lovely," he smiles wonderfully. Wow we've been smiley today gosh. I look at his tattoo and tears instantly come to my eyes.

The words 'love never forgets' are spread down his left ribcage followed with our initials underneath it. "Harry oh my gosh," tears of love pour out of my eyes as I kiss him.

"So you like it huh," he asks once I reluctantly let him go. "Oh yeah," I nod and kiss him on the cheek before he demands to be paying for both.

"What now," I giddily jump up and down once we're outside. "Well we've got to go show the boys now don't we," he chuckles before kissing my temple. "Won't they be in school," I ask. He laughs once again."If I'm not there they'll find out soon enough that neither of us are and just ditch all together."

We walk over to what I was told was Niall's house where everyone meets up when they ditch and sure enough Louis answers the door.

"There you guys are," Louis brings us both into some painful hugs,considering our new ink. Louis pulls back and notices mine first.

"Woah there Andrea, got some ink now huh," he smirks while walking into the living room with us in tow. "Yeah she decided to get one while I was getting mine," Harry answers for me. "So how'd it turn out Styles?" "Really good, got some tears from her and everything," Harry kisses my cheek and I blush.

We end up hanging out with the boys for the rest of the day before heading back to Harry's house. I don't know how it was really possible but I am exhausted.

Anne greets us in the kitchen once we arrive. "Oh hello lovelies, how was your day," she asks. "It was really nice mum," Harry kisses her cheek before grabbing a banana and asking about her day in return. It's really interesting watching their relationship. Most parents I know would go ballistic with the few stories I've heard about his past and the tattoos but she may just be happy that he's come back.

I yawn and Harry excuses us to go to bed. "You'll shower in the morning, now go to bed love," Harry whispers. I yawn again and can't find the energy to argue. I change into Harry's shirt and my panties in the bathroom before climbing in his bed and shutting my eyes lightly.

Moments later I feel the bed dip and I open one eye, causing Harry to chuckle. "You're too cute when you're tired," he yawns as well. I kiss his lips for a while, that turned into a while longer, and finally lie down back in my spot in Harry's arms.

"I love you," he whispers. "I love you more," I whisper back. "I'm not having this argument right now, goodnight my love," he laughs lightly and kisses the back of my hair, reminding me that his bare chest is pressed up against my back, leaving butterflies in my stomach as I reply and fall into a deep sleep.

**a/n this is such a filler I'm sorry I'm a really crappy author I know, I hope I can make it better for you all to read! The tattoo that Andrea got is actually the tattoo that I'm getting in august, minus the words just thought I'd say that. Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share and again I'm sorry for this really awful book quality. Much love xx**

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