Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Harry's P.O.V

Making Andrea and I's favourite drink is the least I can do. Anger still courses through my veins like blood. She's already covered with bruises and it just happened. It pisses me off that I let another man touch her like that, or at all for that matter. I've let her down I know it but she doesn't seem to think so. I'm sure after the last incident where I wasn't there at all, she only wanted my protection. That's what I want to give to her, protection and love, and that's what she needs.

I hate to see my girl covered in bruises. Andrea has been through so much shit, and this is the last thing she needs. I'm positive that I broke Dylan's nose and hopefully I broke more of him. The next time that little shit touches my girl is the day he dies. I know I'm probably risking suspension or whatever for being violent with Dylan, but I know that the shit-head principle will at least agree with me on this. We have to go to school tomorrow to show that we are not weak. I'll walk straight into the principles office with Andrea by my side.

I start cutting up an apple for both of us. It's insane how much Andrea loves fruit, especially dipped in caramel.

"Harry," my mom comes in the kitchen. I've nearly forgotten she lives here, I'm with Andrea most of my time. "Yes mom," I continue cutting up the apple. "Be complete honest with me," I pause and turn to her. The expression on her face practically screams worried as fuck.

"Always," I open my arms to hug her and she obliges. No matter what, she'll always be my mom and I'll always love her. "I saw you and Andrea walk in, what happened to her Harry?" I sigh, still in her arms.

"Dylan found her at the gym while I was training. He beat the shit out of her mom." I don't want to cry but all I can hear right now is Andrea's whimpers of pain whenever she took a step. "She's in so much pain and I don't know how to take it away." That all I want right now. I want to take her pain away so she never has to feel it again.

"Just be there for her Harry, she needs to know how much you love her." I sigh again and let go of her. "Thank mom, love you," I kiss her forehead and finish up with the apple and grab some caramel. "You know I love you Harry." I nod and she walks out of the room. I put everything on a tray and walk back up to Andrea slowly.

"Hey baby," I kick open the door lightly with my foot. Andrea's sitting up against the headboard with her legs spread straight in front of her. My heart skips a beat when I see her in my Rolling Stones shirt, but it sinks when I see the bruise on her tiny body. She looks up at me with sparkling brown eyes.

"Hey Harry," her fingers absentmindedly run over one of the large bruises on her leg. With the look of love in her eyes I can't help but imagine her fingers running over a baby bump instead of a bruise. She'd make the perfect mother, so full of love and hope. But it's much too soon for that. We're just now seniors in high school, and she doesn't need to be labeled as another pregnant teen in California.

"You're sore," I point out bluntly. She laughs a little bit before patting the bed beside her. I set the tray down on the bedside table and sit next to her. Andrea leans her head on my shoulder and I carefully pull her into my side.

"You're knuckles are sore," her tiny hands take my huge ones to her lips, kissing each knuckle gently. I sigh and lie my head on hers. I really want to kiss her right now, but I don't want to cause her busted lip anymore pain.

"But fucking chocolate milk," I smile at her. Her lips return the gesture brightly. "Let's get this party started," she jokes along.

I laugh and hand her the chocolate milk. Once she's holding it, I set the apples and caramel in front of us and grab my own milk. "Just like old times," I sigh smiling.

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