Chapter 13

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*strong language: just a warning, continue on xx

Chapter 13

Andrea's P.O.V

I yawn and stretch my limbs after escaping Harry's grip. He didn't really have much of a reason to be exhausted but he obviously was last night. I look at the clock on his bedside table. 10:00 am. Wow, we slept in.

I'm very awake right now, but I don't want to be awake alone. I feel a beat of confidence that I haven't had in who knows how long and decide to use it to my advantage.

Harry's on his back now, sprawled out and passed out, but it's time to wake up. I smile to myself before straddling his hips, careful to avoid his injury.

"Harry babe," I whisper in his ear. I start to kiss his jaw and continue down his neck slowly. His breathing catches and I can feel his speeding heartbeat underneath me as I continue my slow route down his neck.

I peek up at him and he quickly screws his eyes shut, but not quickly enough. I decide to hold in my giggle and continue down his bare chest.

"Harry," I whine lightly dragging my fingers down his chest after my lips reach the area of his injury. I move back up to his face and kiss everywhere but his lips. Slowly, I roll my hips on his and he releases a small moan.

I can't help but let out a giggle at his reaction. "Hazza it's time to get up," I kiss his nose again. He groans but opens his eyes. "You're not a morning person are you," I smile. "If I woke up to you straddling me every morning I sure as hell would be," he smirks. I'll never get over that morning voice.

"Good morning to you too," I trace his butterfly tattoo causing him to hum in pleasure and close his eyes once again. "Good morning love," he smiles, eyes still closed.

"I wanna do something," I subconsciously roll my hips again, causing another moan to escape Harry.

"Oops," I smirk, even though it really was an accident. "So you're going to be a tease today huh?" Harry smirks back at me and I falter, I couldn't compete with the people he's been with, I'm not ready to deal with that.

I just need to use this bit of confidence though. "Maybe I always am and you just don't notice," I whisper leaning closer to him. "Trust me babe, I would've noticed," he seems so confident, it's shocking really.

"I really wanna do something Harry," I sound childish but I've been cooped up for far too long. "Oh well we could always stay here and-" I place my hand over his mouth quickly to stop his words. "Not that," I smile.

His laughs are mumbled into my hand before he licks a hot strip up the palm of my hand. "Ew Harry that's gross," I scrunch up my nose and rip my hand away from him. He quickly sits up so I'm now on his lap.

"I know you like it baby," he whispers next to my ear. I almost give into his words, feeling my entire body relax and tense at the same time, but this is my confidence, not his. I hop off his lap smiling like an idiot.

Once I reach my stuff I pull off Harry shirt, fully aware of his eyes on me. I grab clothes that consist of my black high-waisted shorts and blue crop top before walking to his bathroom. After I finish my business I walk out feeling refreshed after my shower, only to see a still very sexually frustrated Harry looking at me like I was a mad-woman.

"What's wrong babe," I play innocent while grabbing my phone and putting it in my shorts pocket. "You know fully well what's wrong," he pouts like a child. "Come on Harry please," I draw out my words. "I wanna go somewhere today, anywhere," I smile at him and watch him cave into my please.

"You're lucky I love you," he smiles back at me before grabbing a new change of clothes and heading to the bathroom. I kik a few of my followers from Instagram back while Harry showers and gets ready. Soon enough he walks out in his black skinny jeans and a red flannel that, may I add, isn't buttoned all the way and holy shit is this revenge for what I did earlier because he looks amazing, maybe a bit more amazing than always if that's even possible.

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