Part 3

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Kama must have sensed my distress, as it took on a more mollifying tone. "Apologies if I was too abrupt. I am a newer program and not the master of navigating interactions with what would be interpreted as 'tact.' I realize you must be quite disoriented and I can tell that you have become agitated. It is probable you realize I'm not capable, as a computer program, artificial intelligence or not, of outright deception. So, rest assured that your life and health are not in danger, (Y/N)."

I did, indeed, find that somewhat reassuring, though I wouldn't say I was anywhere near content. I was still in pajamas in someone's sleeping quarters, apparently a prisoner on-

"(Y/N), I sense an even further increase in your heart and respiratory rates. Therefore, I re-state that I am incapable of outright untruth. No one has molested you while you were unconscious, and these sleeping quarters are yours. Should you wish to perform the typical waking rituals, there is an area with appliances and toiletries, which are nontoxic when utilized as intended, and have not previously been used. Meaning, please do not ingest the antiperspirant."

I rolled my eyes. So it had a sense of humor, eh? Wasn't that often a sign of a lonely program? How did I know that? Was I also a computer scientist now? I wondered where its master was, if he wasn't here, what he wanted...

Slavery seemed likely, some kind of fancy slavery perhaps? Sex slavery seemed unlikely, though I was human, which would have placed a meager value on my hide alone in some markets. But I didn't quite have the 'space cadet' stereotypical body, nor the hair, most filth would look for. I shivered. Good. A future as a sex slave wasn't a bright one.

I would have guessed that he, or more likely, they, needed my skills as a scientist; that they had kidnapped me for work on some secret project, but that didn't make sense. They had done something to affect my memory, which clearly destroyed my ability to do whatever scientific stuff it was I had previously done. So I wasn't sure if any skills I suspected I might have had really had anything to do with it.

"Kama, I have questions. How many others are there? And where are we going? To what purpose, why are we here?" I waited. Some part of me knew it was a bad sign that the program didn't answer immediately. It meant it was either avoiding lying, or checking something. Complexity wasn't good.

"There is only one other passenger, (Y/N), but he has a migraine right now. The ship is stationary. My maker designed it with one purpose in mind, and it's finally coming to fruition. I will reveal more to you, but I feel it would be most fair to wait until both you and Andy, the other human, are well and able to attend simultaneously. Is that an acceptable proposition?"

I gritted my teeth a little. "Sure." 'Fruition?' 'One purpose?' This was going to suck. I was alone, in space, with some guy. It sounded like we were in a pre-programmed death-ship or ticking time bomb or fucked up something or other that some megalomaniac, psychotic, super-freak probably had full of cameras so he could jerk off as he watched us die horribly.

On the other hand, why not give it a minute? Fuck it, I had no idea what was going on, rushing my bizarre death for Mr. Pervert wouldn't help. If poor Andy-guy had a migraine, we were both stuck here anyways, I could wait a little longer, I supposed. I decided to take a shower and brush my teeth, buy him some time to feel better before our doubtless imminent doom.

I was shocked, when I showered, at how much skin came off when I scrubbed. It almost clogged the drain! I was incredibly embarrassed, but there wasn't anything I could do about it, other than continue to exfoliate. I was grateful my hair didn't fall out! I was also surprised to find how hairy I was. Luckily, I found a new razor in a drawer, and the hot water didn't run out, as apparently I had a lot of catching up to do.

I couldn't help but look for cameras, but I didn't find any. Well, all they would see was flying hair and skin, nothing sexy here! After brushing my teeth, I felt a lot better.

"There are many clothes available to choose from in the dresser, (Y/N)."

Just as Kama said, there were quite a few clothes. They were a little skimpy for my liking, and I glowered. I had the feeling I was conservative in my appearance. "Kama, these are all slutty."

"I'm sure you'll find they are appropriate later on. If there is nothing acceptable I might be able to manufacture something, if you-"

"No, never mind, that's not necessary, thank you. This is fine." What the Hell? Appropriate? Were we going to have to duel and grapple with each other to the death, and need to be scantily clad, in order to get good footing? Or was I supposed to seduce this guy with the headache? What the fucking shit?

Whoever had masterminded (was that a word?) this whole thing was some serious pervert, dressing me up in anything that exposed my arms and legs! I was fairly certain I never wore shorts. At least, I had that sort of scandalized feeling that made me suspect that was the case...

Well, time to go find my cohort in this mess. I stepped towards the door of the sleeping quarters, and was relieved when it snicked open smoothly, unlocked.

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