Part 31

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I was bored. I felt like everything I did was pointless! I'd written several dozen songs. I'd started working on strength training or gone jogging around the ship every damned day. I'd been forced to quit smoking. But nothing ever changed!

Granted, it was nice that you could kinda see my abs now. But what was the point? Nothing ever happened!

I set the acoustic guitar I'd found aside. I thought of this room as my 'den,' I'd collected all the things I'd found in it that were interesting to me in some way: a ton of blank notebooks and writing utensils, sketchbooks, some comics from the library, a few random music instruments, my yoga mat, a set of weights. Everything had been in excellent condition, as though it had never been used, when I'd found it.

I decided to go looking for (Y/N), see if she wanted to hang out. "Kama, where's (Y/N)?"

Its disembodied voice popped up promptly, "She is disassembling the lounge."

What? Intrigued, I made my way there.

The place was a mess! The cushions of all the chairs were all over the floor! I found (Y/N) passed out on the remains of a sofa. I nudged her with my knee, "Hey."

She smiled at me, caught in that moment of sleepiness that you have before your brain kicks in, and it seemed really vivid and bright. Such a happy thing amidst all this stagnation.

Then she sat up and scowled, and the moment passed. "Sorry, I'll clean it up in a minute. I was looking for clues."

I cocked my head at her. "Who cares about the mess? We can clean it up later. Let's go bowling, or let's play some mini golf!"

She giggled, and it was good to hear her laughter. "Are you serious?"

"Well, yeah. I bet I'll kick your ass, let's go!" Without waiting for her to respond, I just turned around and headed towards what I had internally dubbed, 'the recreation wing.' I didn't really know if spaceships and houses used the same terminology, but it hardly mattered. Nothing really seemed to matter here.

An hour later, things were not going my way, as (Y/N) was beating me at mini golf. We were both sucking at it, but I was really doing abysmally, and that didn't suit my temperament. Before our next rematch, I resolved I would start practicing by myself.

Just as I was considering how to best bounce the golf ball off the little, wooden wall to bypass a big rock, (Y/N) tried to distract me, "I think I was a fan of yours before."

Irritated, I turned and gave her a look. "I don't talk when you're about to putt."

She rolled her eyes and waited. I swung, and the ball popped against the wall and made it beyond the rock smoothly. "Yes!"

She tittered at me. "Can I talk now?" I motioned her to go ahead. "I had a dream that I was watching you perform, that I had a room that was covered in pictures of you-"

I had an idea, "-Could they be implanting thoughts into your head? Controlling your dreams?" I snorted. "No offense, but if you're a fangirl, you're the worst one I've ever met." I got a giggle!

I noticed (Y/N) was continuing to think on what I'd said longer than usual as I was eyeballing my next shot. "I don't think you can do that; meaning, control dreams. I... I'm almost certain."

I shrugged. "So maybe your subconscious is telling you that I'm absolutely amazing. What's the problem? Your gut is just affirming what we both already know."

(Y/N) turned bright red as I laughed at my own joke, pleased with myself. I gave what she'd said some more thought. "I found a guitar. I could play you the basics of some songs of mine, see if they trigger memories?"

I wasn't really paying attention to whatever (Y/N) said in response, as I was eyeballing the hole beyond the sand trap. Whatever she said hadn't sounded negative. Carefully, I putted the ball towards the hole... and motherfucking missed again! "Shit! Look at it! It's millimeters away!"

(Y/N) laughed at my antics, which bolstered my ego a bit. I went to sink the ball, figuring it would be easy. I just gently tapped-

"We'll have to hurry if we're going to do it today, I think it's getting late."

-and it circled around the hole! "Dammit! That did not count, you were talking! That's not fair!"

I turned around, accusatory, though I knew there was no way I could save the game. We were already on the 15th hole. (Y/N) just smiled at me for a minute, and it occurred to me for the umpteenth time that she was really pretty. "Alright, you can go again, we won't count it."

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