Part 28

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(Y/N)'s POV

I had no way to keep track of time that I could find, but it felt like weeks passed. Each day was always the same.

I would wake up alone, though sometimes Andy would have left items of clothing or other shit behind. I'd check, and all of my clothes would be back in my dresser. I'd shower, which would make me miss Andy even more, inevitably. I'd either go to the gym, hoping to run into him there, or sometimes go to a library I'd found and bring a book to the den in the lounge.

Every night, Andy would find his way to me, wherever he had been, whatever he'd been doing. We'd talk and hang out, pretending like everything was friendly, but it would always end with the two of us sleeping together. If Andy didn't come to me quickly enough, his things would disappear and the ship would herd him to my sleeping quarters.

Sometimes Andy would break down and need comforting. I did the best I could to act as a shoulder to cry on. I never let on that I suspected I had feelings for him, no matter how clear the blue of his eyes, how trusting his gaze. The knowledge seemed like it could only hurt us.


Andy's POV

I tried to focus on what I was doing once more, but it was impossible! I lost my cool, "Kama, dammit, can't it wait fifteen fucking minutes?!? I'm in the middle of my yoga routine!"

Kama's disembodied voice piped up immediately. "I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific."

I scowled as I rolled up the mat I'd found and commandeered, hoping I'd make it back to my quarters before I started losing my mind and getting scorched. "I'm going, ok? I just want to put this away, and then I'll go fuck her again, alright?"

The anger boiling in my brain was surreptitiously cooled by Kama's response. "That's very kind of you to offer to engage in coitus of your own accord, Andy. I do not enjoy having to-"

The little hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I spoke softly, worried what its reply might be, "-What do you mean, of my own accord?"

Again, its reply was quick. "You're ahead of schedule, Andy. It's only been twenty-two hours and five minutes. I have yet to introduce-"

I shouted, not wanting to hear confirmation of what I had just realized was the case, "Never mind! Just never mind!"

I made it back to my quarters without directions, and my door snicking open made the ball in my gut harden uncomfortably. I threw the rolled up mat aside and ran towards the dresser, noting that my bed was still there.

Shit! Not only was my dresser there, so were my clothes!

I sat on the bed and wished, for the umpteenth time, for a cigarette. I had just started thinking about (Y/N), about being with her, on my own. I'd wanted her with Kama doing jack shit to make it happen. It had been all me.

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