Part 17

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(Y/N) came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. Uh-oh. This couldn't be good. I averted my eyes, but not before taking note of her nice legs... Shit.

I was surprised when she took a seat right next to me on the bed. "Andy, did you steal my pajamas?" Her voice was calm and sympathetic, which was weird. "Do you actually want to fuck me?"

I threw up my hands. "Whoa! Whoa! No-no-no! Look in the dresser, ok?" I pointed at her dresser, desperately, in my defense. She raised an eyebrow, but went to look through the dresser drawers. I looked away from her when she had to bend over in her towel. Oh man!

(Y/N) shook her head. "What were you doing looking around in here, anyway?"

I sighed. "I've been in my underwear for, like, forever! I was hoping to borrow something, less, you know, scanty? And more fresh? For after my shower. But then there was nothing in there! And you say now even your pjs are gone?"

(Y/N) nodded. "There was nothing in there but, like, slutty clothing for chicks anyways."

I laughed. "So pretty much the same as half of what's in my dresser, then?" (Y/N) gave me a questioning look. "My dresser, wherever it is, is chock full of these intricate replicas of a bunch of my stage clothes. And a bunch of the earlier ones... Well, let's just say that, you know, what, to me, looked really rock and roll, looked to others like a male prostitute."

(Y/N) laughed, and it was good to see her smile. She had a pretty smile. Uh...

I quickly, and forcibly, put my train of thought back on track. "So, maybe we could make you a toga out of towels, if we found some string and scissors?" I frowned. "If you have enough towels after that, I'd like to borrow one. I'd really like to shower and wash my briefs. Though I need to not set them down anywhere, while they dry."

(Y/N) nodded. "There were still plenty of towels when I left the bathroom. Why don't you start taking a shower? Wash your briefs first, hide behind the door or something, and then call me in, and I'll take them so they don't get stolen. Then you can finish up."

A reasonable plan. "Sure."

I headed into the bathroom and left the door open just a crack, so (Y/N) would be able to hear me. Seeing there were still several towels left, I went ahead and started up the shower. Then I pulled off my briefs and considered the options for something to wash them with. I supposed shampoo was the best choice available.

I accidentally poured a huge dollop onto them, and as I worked up a good lather, my mind drifted. I thought about (Y/N), squeezing her breasts in front of the mirror. Her tits had been just the right size, they had looked nice and firm in her hands. I wondered what they felt like.

I already knew what her hand felt like around my cock. It was a perfect fit. Fuck, I wanted her. I felt my boner returning with a vengeance, a pressure that needed relief. I had to take care of this, and quickly. I set the briefs on the shower ledge.

Hurriedly, I squeezed some conditioner into my hand, standing away from the spray of the shower, and took my boner in hand. Oh man... I closed my eyes and pictured (Y/N) bending over in her towel, dropping it for me. I did want to fuck her, I did!

I stroked myself faster, desperate to get off. I was grimacing, panting with the effort, I wanted to cum so badly!

Shit, the water had washed away the conditioner! I poured a huge amount all over my crotch, not caring about the waste, and resumed my efforts. Instantly, I felt so profoundly turned on, even the tiniest movement on my dick was almost euphoric! Fuck!

I felt hard as steel, I was going to shoot a huge load! I screwed my eyes tightly shut, envisioning (Y/N) opening her mouth, ready to swallow my cum! Jesus!

I grunted and opened my eyes as I started to cum, my semen shooting out of the shower, and onto-"Andy?"-(Y/N)'s midsection!

She was right in front of me! But she didn't turn away... In the moment, I couldn't help myself. I kept pumping, staring at (Y/N), shooting my wad out in spurts, until I was done.

Afterwards, not sure what the fuck to say, I looked at the ground. I turned to watch the water spiraling into the drain. I felt my face get hot as I made an effort to cover my deflating dick with my hands. What had I done?

(Y/N) cleared her throat. "Um, your briefs? You were taking a long time..."

I nodded and turned around to rinse them before giving them to (Y/N), but they were gone! "Uh..." I glanced at (Y/N) and saw that her towel was spattered with my jism. I still didn't know what to say. "They're gone."

(Y/N) nodded and smiled sympathetically. "It's ok, Andy. You're being drugged. I should have warned you, I think there's something in the shampoo and conditioner. I'm going to get a new towel."

I was shocked when (Y/N) turned around and dropped her besmirched towel to the ground, leaving her nude! She walked nonchalantly over to the towel rack, picked out another, and wrapped herself in it. "See you in a few."

I stood there, in the shower, for a few minutes, not moving. Given what (Y/N) had just told me, did I really want to wash my hair after all? Ultimately, I decided I still did. How could things possibly get any worse?

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