Ending #2/3

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(Y/N)'s POV

I lay on my old bed, sobbing harshly. How could I ever possibly have done all of this? Andy had a life, a girlfriend, pets, a family, a career, and I had stripped him of the things he loved most. I had to do whatever I could to make this terrible mistake right.

What had I been thinking? All I could recall caring about was myself.

With each moment that passed, I felt like I remembered more and more. It was as I was laying there, my weeping slowly dying off, that I remembered the transport pod. It was how Andy had been transferred to the ship originally, and was equipped with a single cryo bay. I still remembered bartering with the bounty hunters; they had all wanted performance enhancers in exchange for their services.

My mind caught the gist of my idea and rolled with it. Using the pod, I could send Andy back to Earth, without returning myself. I had no desire to spend the rest of my days in prison. I could just live out my life here on the ship, or possibly find some far-flung, nondescript port to build a new life.

I found my heart hurt, thinking of sending Andy away, leaving me here in solitude. I didn't want to be all alone again. Wasn't that the very set of conditions that had led to this whole situation? Me being lonely, rich, and jealous of what other people had?

I shook my head and forced down my feelings for Andy, my selfish desire to keep him close. I needed to send him back to Earth on the transport pod as soon as possible. I had done all of this, after all; what if I had some kind of psychotic tendencies that would start to resurface? I had to keep Andy safe, and the only way to do that was to get him away from me.

My mind was made up. I grabbed a tissue and wiped at my face, then took another to blow my nose before heading into my old restroom to wash my hands. I thought for a moment. "Kama, where is passenger Andy Biersack currently?"

It replied quickly, "His assigned sleeping quarters, for the last twenty minutes."

I nodded needlessly. "Abandon romanticprogramming until further notice."

Kama didn't hesitate, "Mission objectives successfully modified."

After I was all cleaned up, I headed out of the command wing of the ship andstarted towards the sleeping quarters.


Andy's POV

I sat on my bed, finally empty of tears. I felt like I didn't know anything anymore. (Y/N) had talked about finally being able to leave, but how was I to know that was true, when everything else she had said seemed so impossible?

I resolved to go back and find her, to sort everything out for good, when the door to my quarters snicked open. I turned, only to see (Y/N) looked absolutely terrible. Her face was streaked by drying tears, and I instinctively stood to comfort her.

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