Part 14

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Both irritated with Andy for being a macho man, and with myself for having been kind of douche-y, I had downed several drinks at the bar before deciding to go apologize. It was the higher road, and Andy and I needed to stick together in this mess, in the non-coital sense. Perhaps an eensy-weensy part of my foul mood was disappointment that he had a girlfriend, but it only figured. He was some kind of famous guy, after all.

When Kama had led me to Andy's quarters, and I'd found him jerking off, I had fled. I was a little bit drunk, and Andy was hot, and I had just really fucked up everything even more! I had taken off down a hall, eventually getting Kama's help to find my actual room.

After going to the bathroom, then finding my bed and passing out for a while, I had woken up. I was still a little tipsy, but could think more clearly. That left me alone with my relatively coherent thoughts for the first time since Kama's little announcement.

So... Andy was famous. That was probably why he was here. Kama's 'maker' was probably an obsessed fan, or possibly a competitor wanting to humiliate Andy.

Though, the longer I thought, the less it seemed likely that only one evil megalomaniac was behind everything. The ship seemed huge, with a lot of resources. I wasn't certain, but my gut told me that most of the common byways of space were monitored in some fashion or another, you couldn't just plop a ship down. Wouldn't scrappers come to reclaim an empty, unmoving ship? Wouldn't some places tow it? I wasn't sure, but my gut told me an unregistered space station was unlikely. So... Perhaps we were actually moving somewhere? I hadn't seen any viewports...

And there was the other obvious question: why was I here with Andy? What about me made me special or desirable to a psychopath, or a big, evil group of psychopaths? It would have helped to know something about myself to answer that question.

I frowned. Perhaps it had nothing to do with my former occupation, and I had been thinking along the wrong lines. I wondered if they were trying to breed us to create some kind of weird, mutant baby?

If that was the case, there had to be something desirable about my genetics. I pondered for a moment before deciding to investigate.

I took my best guesses at my pulse and respiratory rates. I couldn't know for sure, but they seemed normal. I went to inspect myself in the mirror. I checked my eyes, looked in my mouth, at my ears, and up my nose, but my entire face seemed unremarkable.

Shedding my clothes, I looked at my body's reflection carefully. I appeared to be perhaps less than ideally fit, but had all normal appendages. I didn't feel any maternal urges, but just in case I had been nursing and missed something, I gave both of my boobs a decent squeeze to check for lactatio-


I turned, horrified, to see Andy walking right in, in his underwear, staring at me! I grabbed a towel and quickly wrapped it around myself, totally humiliated. "-I was just-"

At the same time, Andy started talking hurriedly, his whole head going red as a tomato as he turned around. "-I'm so sorry! But the floor won't let me go anywhere else, and I'm thirsty as fuck! I'm-"

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