Part 25

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Andy was over me, grunting, thrusting inside of me, and it felt so good! He was panting, hard and heavy. But... he paused and leaned towards me. Instead of kissing me, he demanded, right in my ear. "Will you stop that?"

Ugh, what? No! My mind reeled in confusion as the Andy on top of me faded abruptly away, and something nudged me sharply in the tummy! "You woke me up! Stop moaning!"

I pried my eyes open with difficulty, and could dimly see the outline of Andy in front of me. I was so confused; it had seemed so real. "Whut?"

Andy groaned, irritated, and his voice sounded... off. Like he was stressed or lying. "You were gyrating against me like a stripper! Rubbing your titties against my back and touching me!"

I was just awake enough to be offended, but not coherent. "I was having a good dream, I didn't touch your titties! There's nothing wrong with stripping!" I sulked, not fully awake, and shoved my face into the pillow. "Not gyrating!" I added a final retort, feeling slightly better.

I heard and felt Andy shifting to face me. I could feel his breath, it was warm and moist on my mouth. "What were you dreaming about?"

Still not quite awake, I responded without thinking. "Fucking! And it was great, and you weren't complaining. Well, at least at first..."

Andy didn't respond right away. When he did, it was quietly, and he still sounded a little strained. "I wouldn't ever complain about that; it was just a dream. You're amazing in bed. You have a hot body, too."

Instinctively responding to the lowering of his voice, so velvety, I scooched closer. "You like it?"

Andy chuckled, again, in a deep, sensual tone. "I can't stop thinking about it. You have a hot, tight, little pussy. It felt so good..."

I felt Andy's hand dive below the sheet to find my waist, where my slutty sleep shirt was cropped away. He massaged little circles into the skin with his thumb, and his touch felt electric. Instantly, I was consumed with the need for more contact. I wanted Andy to take me, penetrate me. The urge rushed through my body, and I actually trembled with the force of it.

Andy carefully moved his hand, feeling for my face, and cupped it gingerly in the dark. "Are you ok? Need more blanket?"

I shook my head a little as reason partially surfaced. "No. I want you, but I don't want you to be sad. I don't remember being with anyone else, ever. And you're miserable now, because you were with me."

I felt Andy brushing his fingers through my hair, so it wasn't in my face any longer. "It's not you, at least it's not... There's nothing else we can do."

I felt Andy feel down, along my shoulder and arm, until he had one of my hands in his. "I want you too." He guided my hand above the sheet, to over top of his shorts, and I could feel his warm, steely erection under the thin cotton. I could even feel the damp spot where he must have leaked from anticipation. "See?"

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