Ending #1/3

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(Y/N)'s POV

I had been crying for some time when I felt a change in attitude and outlook overcome me. Something about Andy's lack of acceptance made my distress morph into anger. My shame dissolved into nothingness easily.

I thought about all the time we had spent together; how could he not trust me? I'd told him everything, and he'd just run away!

I looked around my bedroom at the familiar pictures of him; his perfect, pouty lips, his razor-sharp cheekbones. I'd kissed him, we'd made love, and I had felt the connection. He cared about me. No, he loved me, just as I loved him. He just needed a reminder that I was what was important. "Kama, rescind previously modified access privileges for passenger Andy Biersack."

Kama replied shortly, "Privileges redacted."

I thought for a moment. "Where is passenger Andy Biersack currently?"

Again Kama replied quickly, "His assigned sleeping quarters, for the last twenty minutes."

I only paused for a moment before giving my orders. "Raise the ambient temperature in the residential wing of the ship by eight degrees Fahrenheit over the next ten minutes, and release moderate-strength, airborne pheromones in Andy Biersasck's sleeping quarters."


I went to my old dresser and pawed through it until I found something both flattering and scanty. As I changed, I thought about what kind of makeup to wear, now that I had remembered where it was. When I was finished, I moved into the adjoining bathroom and pawed through my collection, finally settling on just a little powder foundation, some eye kohl, then curling my lashes and some light mascara. I put on a spritz of pheromone-laden perfume I had customized for Andy and I was ready to go!


Andy's POV

I sat on my bed, finally empty of tears. I felt like I didn't know anything anymore. (Y/N) had talked about finally being able to leave, but how was I to know that was true, when everything else she had said seemed so impossible?

At first, when I noticed it felt a little warm, I had brushed it off. It hadn't been anywhere near twenty-four hours since I'd slept with (Y/N) last. But when my thoughts started drifting towards whether she would have settled down by now, if she'd forgive me enough to at least snuggle, I realized something was up.

I resolved to go back and find her, to sort everything out for good, when the door to my quarters snicked open. I turned, only to see (Y/N) all made up, like she was going out for a hot date or something. "What, I mean, you look nice, but why are you dressed up so fancy?"

I couldn't help but notice how low-cut her shirt was. She wasn't wearing a bra, either. I shook my head a little to clear it, realizing she was talking to me and I hadn't been paying attention. "-for you. Andy, what I said was true, I brought you here. Aren't you glad I did?"

I was taken aback at her attitude, "No, of course not! I had-"

She walked really close to me, reached her hand to run it through my hair, and I let her, even though a small voice inside told me that this was bad, that I should run. "-You had a life without me. You don't want that, do you?"

I shook my head, feeling mesmerized by her light touch on my head, her (Y/E/C) eyes. "No..." Wasn't something not right earlier, shouldn't I be concerned about whatever that was?

I watched (Y/N)'s pretty lips moving as she spoke. "You're happy here with me, aren't you?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, of course. But..." I couldn't remember what it was I had been about to say, (Y/N) smelled so good.

She cocked her head at me, "But nothing. You're happy here, and so I'm I. So we'll stay here, together. Sound good?"

I nodded as she moved to sit in my lap, then instinctively moved to put my arms around her. So pretty and soft.

As our lips met, I felt the inexplicable smidgeon of internal protest dissolved into nothingness. Everything was fine, just as it should be. I had everything I needed right here. She broke our kiss to chuckle softly, and the light reflected in her eyes made them look strangely predatory.

~The End~

Don't worry, didn't like Ending #1? You still have twomore possible endings to go! :D

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