Part 15

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Andy's POV

I had never been so miserable in my life! I was literally unable to leave the bed of a scorching hot woman, a woman I'd just seen prancing around naked! She... I could have sworn she was squeezing her tits! What the fuck reason could she possibly have for that? I couldn't think of any, but there wasn't a chance in fucking Hell I could ask her about it! No way! 'So, what was up with you fondling your ripe, round-'

Nevermind! I was just sitting there in my underwear... I needed to not think about anything, like, like that. Ever.

Experimentally, I touched a toe to the ground, only to find it was still uncomfortably hot. "Andy!"

I turned, already angry, and wanting to argue for no reason. "What? I wanted to see if the floor was still hot!"

(Y/N) frowned, and she was still hot when she frowned, which irritated me even more. "You really think they'd do that, force us in bed together, and then just turn it right off? It's obviously some kind of plot. I'm going to go to bed, there's no point in letting them win and getting all worked up over it."

My dam burst. "I have a girlfriend, I-"

(Y/N) surprised me by poking me in the chest with her finger and cutting me off. "-So what? At least you know you have a girlfriend, Andy! I don't know anything about who I am! I might have a boyfriend. Shit, I might even have a girlfriend!"

Uh oh. She was starting to tear up. Oh shit. "Be grateful you know who you are, I don't know anything!"

Instinctively I reached out. "It's ok, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's ok... shhhh..." I comforted (Y/N), and rocked her a little, totally confused. Women, it seemed, were universally volatile. At least they all seemed to like hugs.

I figured she would do better with some sleep. Like a baby. Babies did better with sleep and food and all that crap. "You're right, let's get some sleep. We'll, uh, think better after that, right?"

(Y/N) nodded and slid under the covers. I hesitated. "Um, I'll just go under the blanket, but above the sheet, how about that?"

(Y/N) grunted and rolled over. I awkwardly kicked the platform with condoms on it as I tried to get myself situated without touching (Y/N). It was a pretty narrow bed, for fuck's sake, and my ass kept bumping hers.


Kama's POV

As they slept, Kama increased the pheromones being pumped through the ventilation system dramatically. It was pleased to see a response, as Andy became tumescent! Carefully, it withdrew a fraction of (Y/N)'s bed into the wall, bit by bit, throughout the night. It was delighted with the end result: (Y/N) was partially on top of Andy's chest, and they still slept. Good.


Andy's POV

I was having a really hot dream. There were vaginas and titties everywhere... I just wanted to bust my nut, more than anything; I just wanted to lose my load.

I could feel Jules nestled against me, her hand on my stomach. I instinctively slid it down to my cock, wrapping her fingers around my boner, blearily hoping she would get the hint. I whispered, "Baby, I wanna fuck..."

I moved to cup her face to kiss her, and at the same time I realized my mistake and shouted, (Y/N) jerked her hand out of my briefs. We were screaming in tandem. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!"

(Y/N) kicked me in the gut, and I went flying off the bed onto the (thankfully now cool) floor. "You fucking pervert! You're with them! You're sick! You have a fucking boner!"

I pointed at her with one hand and tried to cover my erection with the other. "I thought you were my girlfriend! All guys get boners in the morning! I'm fucking sorry, shit-"

(Y/N) threw a pillow at me, so I decided to try and run away. But as soon as I got to her door, it wouldn't let me out! I turned, terrified, to see (Y/N) looking for more things to throw." Kama, let me out! She's going to kill me because I have a boner and I thought she was my girlfriend-" I banged on the door, trying desperately to shield my penis from anything (Y/N) might throw by facing away from her.

(Y/N) stopped in the act of launching a glass at me when Kama piped up. "Fighting isn't necessary. Andy is not the maker of this ship, nor did he have any say in the planning or programming. I have told you I cannot tell mistruths. Are you satisfied, (Y/N)?"

She shot me a dirty look. "He put my hand on his wang!"

I frowned. "'Wang?' Don't call it a wang!"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Very well, Andy. Keep your erectile protuberance to yourself. I'm going to wash my hands."

I sighed. It was going to be a long day. Even longer if they didn't let us out of (Y/N)'s room.

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