Part 30

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I held myself as steady as I could for Andy's quick fucking. I might have gotten off, and it had been fabulous, but I wouldn't be satisfied until he'd gotten off too. Until I'd felt him lose it inside of me, known he was pleased by me.

Fuck! I could tell he was almost there! I looked down at him, his lips parted as he panted roughly, his eyebrows drawn together over his fine nose.

There! "Nghhhnnnnnn!" Andy slowed substantially, letting me milk him of his cum, entice it out of him, making his orgasm draw out the way he liked it. Exhausted, I let myself collapse onto his firm chest.

I listened to him panting, listened to his steady heartbeat. But when he bent to kiss me gently on the head, something snapped a little.

I loved him. I really loved him. And he loved somebody else.

I tried to tamp down the feelings. I was able to keep from saying anything, from making any noise, but I couldn't stop the tears from leaking out of my eyes. And once they started, they just kept coming faster and faster.

I'd given my heart away when I shouldn't have. I was such a fool.

"Hey, are you ok?" Shit! Andy must have noticed his neck getting damp! I realized I wasn't sure I could keep my voice steady, so I impulsively decided to say nothing at all. "(Y/N)?"

Andy shifted away from me a bit, and I knew he was able to see my face from that angle. There was no use denying that I was crying. Nervous, I looked up at him, meeting his concerned gaze. How I wished he were concerned for a different reason! That he felt differently about me!

I took a breath. "It's nothing." A barefaced lie, but I couldn't think of anything else that was appropriate.

Andy sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist more tightly. "Hey, I know, I know. We'll get out of this somehow. It is that, right? Or was I that bad?"

He grinned at me, so handsome, and I forced a smile. I refused to tell him how I felt, not only out of respect for his feelings for his girlfriend, but also because it could be dangerous for him. "Nah, you were great, champ!"

Andy chuckled and I took that as my cue to lift myself off of him, Andy holding the base of the condom on carefully as I dismounted. I rolled over to my side of the bed and let myself curl into a limp, tired ball of misery.

As Andy artlessly disposed of the condom (that I knew I'd most likely have to clean up off the floor tomorrow morning), I asked myself, briefly, whether I should ask him if he'd rather go sleep in his own quarters. Just as I asked myself every night. We'd had sex; surely Kama would let him. He didn't have to do the noble thing and stay until I fell asleep. And, again, just like always, I selfishly decided to say nothing. He was the only other human contact I ever had, ever remembered, and I cherished my time with him.

That night, I had vivid dreams of watching Andy perform. He was amazing; I loved his music! I was his biggest fan! I had a room where the walls were covered by posters of Andy. I just wanted to meet him some day...

When I woke up, alone as always, I lay in bed, thinking on my dream. It had seemed so familiar, like a real place. Perhaps it was a reflection of memories, of an actual room of mine, things I had done?

That left me with nothing but questions. If I really was some huge fan of Andy's before this, what was I doing here?

In the back of my mind, I felt a niggling, nervous, uncomfortable feeling. Was this some experiment I had tried out for? Had I known this would happen? Was I somehow responsible?

No answer came.

Eventually, I took a shower, got dressed, and started walking all over the ship, hoping to see something, anything, that might point me in one direction over another. But everything was just like usual. Not a single poster of Andy to be found.

While it would make sense that I was some kind of voluntary participant if I had been obsessed with Andy, shouldn't I have become even more fanatical by now, if that were the case? Or shouldn't my memories have returned? Why had I not gotten some sign from the evil overlords that everything was or was not going according to plan, if we were in cahoots?

Perhaps I had been chosen because they'd assume a big fan would be more susceptible to Andy's charms, to fall in love? If so, why not just bring his girlfriend, why cause all the trouble? They were already in love, and I was just miserable because of how I felt. Shit.

I decided to try and be more meticulous than ever before. One by one, I started going through and checking the title of every book in the library. My gut told me it was a weird selection, but I really didn't have any other specific library to compare it to. A lot of seemingly unrelated stuff: religious texts, academic books about religious texts, the history of sports, some music industry stuff, a small assortment of fiction, several biographies, even some art books. It all looked new, aside from what I'd already paged through. Hmmm...

I tried knocking on the walls in various places all over the ship, to look for mystery panels or something, but nothing was obvious. What would a mystery panel sound like? Different from nearby, I supposed.

I ended up in the den, looking under the cushions of all the furniture. As I was taking a break, lounging on a sofa, I had a startling thought: what if those condoms were faulty?!? What if we really were being bred! "Kama! Am I pregnant?"

I was reassured when it responded immediately. "Not that can be sensed. I have noticed you have been using the provided contraceptives. Should you forget, I will draw it to your attention and provide prophylactics. This hardly seems like an ideal locale in which to give birth."

Relieved, I sighed heavily. At least the mainframe was on my side about something.

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